Return Stroke Current Models
Estimating Return Stroke Current Parameters from Remote Measurements of EM Fields

Magnetic Field

Highlighted items may be missing on the class handout

Electric Field

Representative return stroke E field waveforms at different distances

Representative B field waveforms (B field has only radiation and induction fields)

Now we don't really know what I(z,t).
Current, I(0,t),  is sometimes measured at the bottom of the lightning channel.

A current model either tries to determine or specifies I(z,t).
(a)   plasma physics models
(b)   distributed R,L,C models

(c)   I(z,t) is specified.  Try for good agreement between calculated and measured             fields.

One of the first current models was the Bruce Golde model

Soon after,  the Transmission Line Model was proposed

A figure will illustrate what this implies

The bottom two equations are widely used to estimate peak return stroke current (I) and current derivative (dI/dt) amplitudes from remote field measurements.

Krider, Leteinturier, Willett paper key points

Studied natural lightning, 25 to 45 km away, out over the ocean (high conductivity of salt water preserves high frequency signal content)

Recorder triggered on a 5 MHz RF signal rather than a dE/dt signal

Corrected for progagation effects

Used the transmission line equations with velocity values that provided the best fit between measured peak E, dE/dt and peak I, dI/dt in the rocket-triggered lightning tests.