General Circulation Observations and Modeling
Spring 2013
To become familiar with global observational data and modeling; and
to become familiar with softwares for data analysis and graphics
Prof. Xubin Zeng
PAS Room 562
Tel: 621-4782
Email: xubin@atmo.arizona.edu
Teaching Assistant:
There are no official teaching assistants. My group members will help in the modeling and softwares for data analysis and graphics
Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30 - 10:45am
PAS Room 488
Office Hours:
Any time when my door is open
Grading Policy:
Based on homework, classroom presentations, and projects (No midterm or final examinations)
Being late will result in 10% reduction of the score for each homework or project assignment,
Required Textbook:
Description of the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model (CAM5), NCAR Technical Note,
available at http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.0/cam/docs/description/cam5_desc.pdf
Other possible references references (purchase is not needed) will also be used throughout the semester
ATMO541a, ATMO551a, ENGR 170, or consent of instructor
Before lecture: Read the relevant material
During lecture: Actively ask and answer questions
After lecture: Read the relevant material and computer code, and do homework
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