Experiment #1 - Percentage Oxygen Concentration in the Air

Nabil Abdulhamid #9
X Nourah Al-Qassar #19
Mansour Abualsaud #105
X Eric Bandrowski #209
X Ryan Bandrowski #17
X Tess Barrett #131
X Kathryn Bergmann #211
DeShawn Bibbs #275
John Butler #113
X Allie Cebry #249
X Jordan Chapman #235
X Nicole Contreras #3
Renny Eackelbary #111
X Shawn Eagmin #127
X Brian Ellis #65
X Alexis Escamilla #19

X Karam Farah #35
X Graham Garlach #99
X Weston Gatt #99
X Greg Gautieri #3

X William Hughes #141
X Ricki Huwatschek #7
X Brent Johnson #225
X Robert Kuhn #95
X Marni Kulberg #39
X Lauren Lebsack #177
Luis Luna Tarrazon #25
X Seamus McCurley #201
X Hunter Miller #33
X Dalton O'Brien #123
X Italo Olono #83
X Regino Palazuelos #201
X Brian Pearse #95
X Justin Poole #175
X Erica Proaps #151
Zach Prunty #67
X Michael Rabinowitz #29
X Caroline Ramos #73
Natalie Ramos #165
X Courtney Reyes #49
X Jackie Rizzo #137
Daniela Rodriguez #121
X Chris Roper #5
X Luis Salomon #185
X Jordan Schatzman #11
X Jake Selincourt #33
Hannah Smith #215
X Ethan Swanke #129

X Kyle Tannahill #15
X Caitlin Tilby #114
X Harry Wilkinson #53
X Zizhe Xu #77
X Yinyue Yu #49

Materials will probably be distributed before the start of class on Friday Jan. 17.  Click on one of the following links if you need an extra copy of the report format, the instructions for the experiment, or a data collection sheet.

Start the experiment at a time (the weekend is ideal) when you will be able to check it a few times at fairly frequent (hourly perhaps) intervals for a few hours.  Don't wait until the last minute to start this experiment because it may take several days to run to completion.  Click on this more information link to learn more about Expt. #1.

Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.  Try to do this well before the experiment report is due because the handout will help with the analysis portion of your report.  Your name should turn this rust color when you have returned your materials.  An X in front of your name means you turned in your report.

Unless noted otherwise, reports are due in class on Monday Feb. 10.