We'll finish this
portion of the topic with a quick look at some of
the results from some of the triggered lightning
experiments and then compare those results with
data from some of the older lightning current
measurements during lightning strikes to
instrumented towers made in Switzerland and
This first figure gives mean peak I and peak dI/dt
values from rocket triggered lightning experiments
conducted in Florida (at the Kennedy Space Center)
and at the Saint Privat d'Allier station in
central France (where the rocket triggered
lightning experiments were first conducted).
With the exception of the 1986 St. Privat dI/dt
data (where there appears to have been a shielding
problem with the dI/dt sensor), the mean values
from the different summer field experiments are
generally in pretty good agreement. The
overall average peak I value is 16.6 kA and the
average peak dI/dt value (France 1986 data
omitted) is 122 kA/μs. Remember that return
strokes in triggered lightning are thought to be
comparable to subsequent return strokes in natural
Lightning current parameters such as peak I and
peak dI/dt are often log-normally
distributed. Data that are log-normally
distributed should fall in a straight line on a
cumulative probability plot. Cumulative
probability distributions of peak I and peak dI/dt
from the Florida 1987 and 1998 experiments are
shown below.
Parameters from
these distributions are summarized in the table
below together with parameters from the Swiss and
Italian tower measurements.
Generally the 50%
values (the median) of peak I from the tower
measurements (1a) compare very well with the peak
I values from the rocket triggered lightning
experiments (1b).
The sensors and recording equipment used for
the tower measurements in Switzerland and Italy
probably didn't have fast enough time resolution
to accurately measure peak dI/dt values. The
data in the table above seem to reflect
this. The tower derived measurements (2a):
40 and 33 kA/μs are
significantly lower than the values obtained
during the triggered lightning experiments (2b):
103 and 109.5 kA/μs (we disregard
the 57 kA/μs value from the
St. Privat 1986 campaign).
We will note that indirect estimates of peak
return stroke dI/dt derived from remote
measurements of radiated fields, which will be the
subject of our next lecture, agree well with
direct measurements in rocket triggered lightning.
In this lecture we
will learn how lightning return stroke
current parameters such as Ipk and (dI/dt)pk might be
estimated from remote measurements of E and B
fields. It is much easier to make
remote measurements of lightning electric and
magnetic fields than it is to make direct
measurements of lightning return stroke currents.
There is no first return stroke in a rocket
triggered cloud-to-ground discharge, just return
strokes. We can hope to learn something
about peak I and dI/dt in first return strokes
when we use E and B field measurements.
Radiated Fields
We must first learn more about the fields radiated
by lightning.
First here's the geometry used in the E and B
fields calculations that follow. The
lightning channel is assumed to be straight and
vertically oriented. The ground is flat and
a perfect conductor. Just as we used the
method of images problem earlier in the semester
to solve a problem in electrostatics, we can match
the boundary condition at the ground surface by
replacing it with an image of the lightning
channel below the ground.
In a problem of this kind you are basically trying
to find E and B that satisfy Maxwell's equations.
The general approach is to find the scalar and
vector potentials φ and A
We aren't going to look at all the steps in
the derivation, we'll simply write down the
results. If you are interested in the
details a good place to start would be the
following article: "The
Electromagnetic Radiation from a Finite
Antenna," M.A. Uman, D.K. McLain, and E.P.
Krider, Am. J. Phys., 43 33-38, 1975.
The expression below gives
the electric field radiated by a short segment
dz located at an altitude z above the
ground. We'll limit our attention to the
E field at the ground (assumed to be a perfect
conductor) which has just a z component.
There is interest in how lightning E and B
fields couple onto electric power lines.
To properly examine this problem you would
need to compute E and B for points above the
ground (at the level of the power
lines). That becomes a more complicated
problem because the E and B fields will each
have 3 components (vertical, radial, and
azimuthal components in cylindrical geometry).
To obtain the total E field we need to integrate
from the ground to the top of the channel
At the ground the magnetic field has just an
azimuthal component
and again we integrate over the length of the
channel to determine the total field.
I should mention also that a recent
publication points out and corrects a small error
in the expressions above. This won't affect
our discussion, but if you would like to see the
correct expressions, click here.
Static, Induction, and Radiation field
We won't really be using these rather complex
general expressions. Rather let's just note
that the electric field expression contains terms
involving a time integral of current, the current
itself, and a time derivative term.
We refer to these are the electrostatic,
induction, and radiation field components.
The B field has just induction and radiation field
Except for the very beginning of the discharge,
the electrostatic field is generally dominant at
close range. Because it decreases as 1/R,
the radiation field is the only field component
observed at long range (beyond a few 10s of
kilometers). Also because peak dI/dt occurs very
early in a return stroke discharge, the radiation
field also dominates at the very beginning of a
return stroke.
The sketch below provides a rough idea of the what
the 3 field components would look like given the
current waveform at the top of the figure.
More realistic
shapes of the E and B waveforms that you might
expect to see at various distances from a CG
stroke are shown below (source: Lin,
W.H. Beasley, E.P. Krider, C.D. Weidman,
"Characterization of Lightning Return Stroke
Electric and Magnetic Fields from
Simultaneous Two-Station Measurements," J.
Geophys. Res., 84-6307-6314, 1979).
The solid lines show typical first return field
values, the dotted lines are for subsequent
strokes. These aren't actual
waveforms. Rather they are essentially an
average of measurements of actual waveforms (lots
of waveforms).
The hump on these magnetic fields is probably
coming from the induction field. We don't
see it on E field waveforms because the
electrostatic field component dominates. B
fields don't have a magnetostatic field component.