So the
probability that a dart thrown at a dartboard
will land between r and r + dr is
what if we were to throw N darts? As
long as the throws are independent of each
other, the chances of having a dart land
between r and r + dr would be N times the
result above
We can also compute the average r just like
we did in the earlier problem
Now we're ready to derive the nearest
neighbor probability distribution
function. The situation is
illustrated in the figure below.
asking - what is the probability that
the nearest strike is between r and r
+ dr from a randomly chosen point (in
the figure above the randomly chosen
point is the highlighted point in the
center of the circle)? This is
not quite the same as asking what the
chances are of falling between r and r
+ dr because now we want a strike
between r and r + dr but nothing
inside of r. We'll use w(r) to
denote this "nearest neighbor"
probability distribution function.
We'll assume a lightning strike
density of Ng strikes per square
kilometer per year and we assume that
the strikes are randomly
distributed. So we can write
w(r) as follows.
At (1) we are integrating w(r) from
0 to r to find out the probability
that the nearest neighbor is
inside r. To find the
probability that the nearest neighbor
isn't inside r we
subtract the integral from 1.
That's expression (2) in the equation
above. (3) is the probability
that a strike falls between r and r +
dr. It's really just the dart
board question again. We're
multiplying by Ng because there are,
on average, Ng strikes per km2 per
The area term in the denominator of the
dart board expression is really just built in
to Ng. Ng is a density: strikes per
square kilometer (per year). Defining
Ng this way also means w(r) dr is the
probability that the closest strike per
year falls between r and r + dr.
How do you solve the equation above for
w(r) when w(r) appears in an integral?
The first step is to differentiate the
equation with respect to r.
At this point, we'll need to take a short
detour. We need to differentiate the
integral term with respect to r, but r appears
in one of the integral's limits.
Leibnitz's rule shows you how to handle the
circled term.
The equation above is one version of Leibnitz's
rule. In the equation below, we
apply it to our particular problem.
Now we'll go back and substitute this into
Eqn. 1 above.
Do you see what was done with the last term
in the first equation above?
We go back to an earlier expressure and divide
w(r) dr by term (3) above and use that to
replace term (2).
Now back to where we left off.
This is now in a form that we can solve
We have an
expression for w(r) but it contains an
unknown constant k. But once we
normalize this equation we'll be able to
determine a value for k.
The last equation (highlighted in yellow)
is the nearest neighbor distribution function.
The data above (from the National
Detection Network) shows 24,790 cloud to
ground strikes in a 51 km by 51 km area
centered on the Main Gate at the U of A.
These strikes occurred between Jan. 1, 2000
and Sept. 23, 2002, a nearly 3 year
period. One thing to notice is that the
points appear to be pretty uniformly
distributed. We can use this data to
estimate the CG flash area strike density.
This figure shows how that is done.
We multiply 24790 by 1/0.7 to correct for the
70% detection efficiency of the lightning
locating network. We then multiply by
1.45, the average number of strike points per
flash (see the figure below). We divide
by the 51 km x 51 km area and divide by 3
years (there is very little lightning between
Sept. 23 and Dec. 31). On average there
are 6.6 strikes per square kilometer per year
in the Tucson area.
This is a portion of a figure that appeared in
Lecture 15. The left most figure is
where the average 1.45 strike points per flash
value came from.