Monday May 2, 2016
Music from Rupa
and the April Fishes: "L'Elephant"
(4:41), "Este
Mundo" (3:18) with some nice Day of the Dead costumes, "Neruda"
(3:13), "Culpa
de la Luna" (3:07)
Quiz #4 and up-to-date grade summaries were distributed in
class today. Please carefully check both to be sure
everything seems correct.
The class average was 84.3%. That's a solid B and is a
little higher than average.
What would you need to score on the Final Exam to raise that
grade to an A?
The final exam score is 40% of your overall grade in a case
like this where it raises your grade.
We'll substitute in 90% for the grade desired and 84.3% for
the current grade
98.6% is pretty high but
certainly possible given that there will be some extra
credit on the exam.
What if you're happy with a B and just want to preserve
the grade you currently have. How low could you
score on the final exam?
In this case the final exam counts
for only 20% of your overall grade, I try to minimize
the damage that it can cause.
Here are the details of the calculation
63% or above and you preserve your B