Wednesday May 6, 2016

Los Lobos "One Time, One Night" (4:31), "Don't Worry Baby" (3:01), "Cancion del Mariachi" (2:06)

Welcome to the first of three hours of Final Exam review.
We were able to get through the first 4 topics on the Final Exam Study Outline today .  We'll cover as many of the remaining 18 topics tomorrow afternoon.
The figures below are cleaned up versions of what was written down in class.  I've also incorporated everything that was covered in the two classes.

Topic 1

The greenhouse effect warms the earth.  There is concern that increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will strengthen the greenhouse effect and cause climate change (global warming).

Topic 2

Topic 3

Destruction of stratospheric ozone by CFCs (thinning of the ozone layer) is not the cause of climate change and global warming.  The small additional amount of UV light arriving at the ground will not cause global warming.  That UV light can cause skin cancer and cataracts, that sort of thing, but not global warming.

Topic 4

This is as far as we got in class today.  We are usually able to cover an additional topic or two.  I'm going to go ahead and do that using a couple of figures from previous classes.  We are going to have to pick up the pace a little bit on Thursday to have any hope of finishing the Study Outline.

Topic 5

The tops of thunderstorms (which form in unstable air in the troposphere), the summit of Mt. Everest, and cruising altitude in a commercial airliner are all around 30,000 ft. altitude and near the top of the troposphere.

Topic 6

Parcels of air in the atmosphere can expand or shrink.  They do so in order to keep pressure inside the parcel (trying to expand the parcel) equal to the pressure of the air outside the parcel (trying to crush the parcel).

The upward pointing pressure difference force and the downward gravity force are usually in balance.  Upsetting the balance (by warming or cooling the air in the parcel) will cause a parcel of air to rise or sink.