1.  Introduction
      1.1  Historical review
      1.2  Review of classical electricity and magnetism
             - Coulomb's law and Maxwell's equations
             - Boundary value problems
             - Electrical units

2.  Fair Weather Electricity
      2.1  Sources of atmospheric ions
             - Natural radioactivity
             - Radon & Thoron - "Radon Hazard"
             - Cosmic rays
             - Point discharge
      2.2  Chemistry of primary ions
      2.3  Small ion mobilities
      2.4  Ion-ion recombination
      2.5  Characteristics of the atmospheric aerosol
      2.6  Ion-aerosol attachment
      2.7  Electrical structure of the troposphere
             - Ion balance equations
             - Conductivity profiles
             - Fair weather electric fields
             - Air-earth currents
             - Global electric "circuit"
             - Solar-terrestrial interactions
      2.8  Applications

3.   Cloud Electricity
       3.1  Microstructure of clouds
       3.2  Ion-droplet diffusion
       3.3  Electrical structure on non-thundery clouds
       3.4  Development and evolution of thunderstorms
       3.5  Thunderstorm electric fields
              - Measurements
              - Screening layers
              - Effects on cloud microphysics
              - Charge structure of thunderclouds
      3.6  The thunderstorm as a current source
             - Spatial characteristics
             - Temporal development
      3.7  Thunderstorm electrification
             - Basic charging requirements
             - Ion capture and induction mechanisms
             - Electrical properties of water and ice
             - Thermoelectric and contact mechanisms
             - Ice- graupel collisions - laboratory data
             - Observations in clouds
             - Large scale charge separation
      3.8  Lighning initiation
             - Gas breakdown phenomena
             - Behavior of water droplets in electric fields
             - Models of lightning initiation

4.  Lightning
      4.1  Basic Lightning phenomenology
             - Area densities & strike probabilities
             - Cloud-to-ground flashes
                   preliminary breakdown
                   return strokes
                   dart leader
                   J- and K-processes
             - Intracloud discharges
       4.2  Triggered lightning
       4.3  Characteristics of lightning currents
       4.4  Physical characteristics of lightning channels
              - Dimensions
              - Thermodynamic properties
              - Energy balance
       4.5  Thunder
       4.6  Chemistry of lightning processes
       4.7  Electric and magnetic fields produced by lightning
              - Time-domain antenna theory
              - Radio frequency emissions
       4.8  Propagation, sferics, and atmospheric radio noise
       4.9  Methods of detecting and locating lightning
              - Gated, wideband sensors (MDF & TOA)
              - RF techniques - time of arrival and interferometry
       4.10 Electrical transients at high altitudes, Sprites, Elves, etc.
       4.11 Global lightning activity

5.  Lightning Protection and Lightning Safety
       5.1  Mechanisms of lightning damage
       5.2  Principles of lightning protection
              - Grounding, bonding, and shielding
              - Transient protectors
              - Shielding topology
       5.3  Methods of protection against lightning
              - Buildings
              - Hazardous structures
              - Telecommunications and data systems
              - Electric power transmission/distribution systems
              - Aircraft and avionics systems
       5.4  Lightning test equipment, methods and standards
       5.5  Lightning safety recommendations

6.  Possible Additional Topics
              - Ions and health
              - Stratospheric electricity
              - The ionosphere
              - The magnetosphere
              - Auroral phenomena
              - Whistlers
              - Electricity in planetary atmospheres
              - Ball lightning