UA/Atmo Sci title

E. Philip Krider: Ph. D.


University of Arizona    

Ph.D. (Physics)    


University of Arizona    

M.S. (Physics)    


Carleton College    

B.A. (Physics)    


Dr. Krider currently teaches courses on physical meteorology (ATMO 451/551) and atmospheric electricity (ATMO/ECE 489/589) at The University of Arizona.

Dr. Krider is known world-wide for his work on lightning and thunderstorm electricity. He led the group that developed the first gated, wideband magnetic direction-finders that are now the basis of the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network. Dr. Krider is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and the American Meteorological Society and a former Co-Chief Editor and Editor of the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences; he is also past President of the International Commission on Atmospheric Electricity.

Research Interests: Lightning and atmospheric electricity

Recent Publications:

Biagi, C. J., K. L. Cummins, K. E. Kehoe, and E. P. Krider, "NLDN Performance in Southern Arizona, Texas, and Oklahoma in 2003-2004," J. Geophys. Res.-Atmospheres, ;Vol. 112, ;No. D5, D05208, doi10.1029/2006JD007341, 9 March 2007.

Dye, J. E., M. G. Bateman, H. J. Christian, E. Defer, C.A. Grainger, W. D. Hall, E. P. Krider, S. A. Lewis, D. M. Mach, F. J. Merceret, J. C. Willett, and P. T. Willis, "Electric Fields, Cloud Microphysics, and Reflectivity in Anvils of Florida Thunderstorms," J. Geophys. Res.-Atmospheres, accepted November 2006.

Koshak, W. J., E. P. Krider, N. Murray, and D. J. Boccippio, "Lightning Charge Retrievals: Dimensional Reduction, LDAR Constraints, and a First Comparison with LIS Satellite Data," J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., accepted November 2006.

Gungle, B. and E. P. Krider, Cloud-to-Ground Lightning and Surface Rainfall in Warm-Season Florida Thunderstorms, J. Geophys. Res.– Atmospheres, 14 October 2006.

Krider, E. P., Benjamin Franklin and Lightning Rods, Physics Today, 59 (1), 42-48, 2006. Also Parity, 21(6), 30-38, 2006 (in Japanese).

Murray, N. D., E. P. Krider, and J. C. Willett, Multiple Pulses in the Electric Field Derivative, dE/dt, During the Onset of First Return Strokes in Cloud-to-Ocean Lightning, Atmospheric Research, 76, 455-480, July-August, 2005.

Krider, E. P. and K. E. Kehoe, "On quantifying the exposure to cloud-to-ground lightning," Chapter 7 in Recent Progress in Lightning Physics, Edited by C. Pontikis, G. Berger, and E. Hicks, Research Signpost, pp. 95-107, 2005.

Krider, E. P., Useful Knowledge: Benjamin Franklins Science, Chapter 5 in Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World, Yale University Press, 2005.

N. D. Murray, E. P. Krider, and J. C. Willett, Multiple Pulses in the Electric Field Derivative, dE/dt, During the Onset of First Return Strokes in Cloud-to-Ocean Lightning, Atmospheric Research, in press, 2005.

Benjamin Franklin and the First Lightning Conductors, Chapter 1 in Proc. XXI Int. Congress of History of Science, Mexico City, Vol. 1., No. 1, 2004 (

Koshak, W. J., R. J. Solakiewicz, R. J. Blakeslee, S. J. Goodman, H. J. Christian, J. M. Hall, J. C. Bailey, E. P. Krider, M. G. Bateman, D. J. Boccippio, D. M. Mach, E. W. McCaul, M. F. Stewart, D. E. Buechler, W. A. Petersen, and D. J. Cecil, North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (LMA): VHF Source Retrieval Algorithm and Error Analysis, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 21, 543-558, 2004.

Parker, N. G. and E. P. Krider, A Portable, PC-Based System for Making Optical and Electromagnetic Measurements of Lightning, J. Appl. Met., 42, 739-751, 2003.

Kempf, N. M. and E. P. Krider, Cloud-to-Ground Lightning and Surface Rainfall during the Great Flood of 1993, Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1140-1149, 2003.

Krider, E. P., Deciphering the Energetics of Lightning, Science, 299, 669-670, 2003.

Valine, W. J. and E. P. Krider, Statistics and Characteristics of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning with Multiple Ground Contacts, JGR - Atmospheres, 107 (D20), AAC 8-1 to AAC 8-11, 2002.

Cherington, M., R. Kurtzman, D. Blaine, and E. P. Krider, Mountain Medical Mystery - Sudden, Unwitnessed, Unexplained Death of a Healthy Young Man, Am. J. of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 22, 296-298, 2001.

J. C. Willett and E. P. Krider, Rise Times of Impulsive High-Current Processes in Cloud-to-Ground Lightning, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Prop., Vol. 48, No. 9, 1442-1451, 2000.

Koshak, W. J., E. P. Krider, and M. J. Murphy. A multipole expansion method for analyzing lightning field changes, J. Geophys. Res., 104(D8)., 9617-9633, 1999

E.P. Krider, Thunderstorms and lightning, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1999.

Krider, E. P., and M. A. Uman, Cloud to ground lightning, lightning protection, and lightning test standards, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999.

Cummins, K. L., E. P. Krider, and M. D. Malone, The U. S. National Lightning Detection Network and applications of cloud-to-ground lightning data by electric power utilities, IEEE Trans. on EMC, 40(4), 465-480, November 1998.

Rinnert, K., L. J. Lanzerotti, G. Dehmel, F. O. Gliem, E. P. Krider, M. A. Uman, and J. Bach, Measurements of lightning and radio frequency signals in Jupiter’s atmosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 103,, 22979-22992, 1998.

Willett, J. C., E. P. Krider, and C. Leteinturier, Submicrosecond field variations during the onset of first return strokes in cloud-to-ground lightning, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 9027–9034, 1998.

Orville, R. E., E. J. Zipzer, M. Brook, C. Weidman, G. Aulich, E. P. Krider, H. Christian, S. Goodman, R. Blakeslee, and K. Cummins, Lightning in the region of the TOGA COARE, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 78 (6), 1055–1067, 1997.

Holle, R. L., R. E. López, K. W. Howard, K. L. Cummins, M. D. Malone, and E. P. Krider, An isolated winter cloud-to-ground lightning flash causing damage and injury in Connecticut. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 78 (3), 437–441, 1997.

Cherington, M., E. P. Krider, P. R. Yarnell, and D. W. Breed, A bolt from the blue: Lightning strike to the head, Neurology, 48, 683–686, 1997.

Murphy, M. J., E. P. Krider, and M. W. Maier, Lightning charge analyses in small Convection and Precipitation Experiment (CaPE) storms, J. Geophys. Res., 101 (D23), 29,615–29,626, 1996.

Lanzerotti, L. J., K. Rinnert, G. Dehmel, F. O. Gliem, E. P. Krider, M. A. Uman, and J. Bach, Radio frequency signals in Jupiter’s atmosphere, Science, 272, 858–860, 1996.

Krider, E. P., C. Leteinturier, and J. C. Willett, Submicrosecond fields radiated during the onset of first return strokes in cloud-to-ground lightning, J. Geophys. Res., 101 (D1), 1589-1597, 1996.

Jameson, A. R., M. J. Murphy, and E. P. Krider, Multiple-parameter radar observations of isolated Florida thunderstorms during the onset of electrification, J. Appl. Meteorol., 35 (3), 343-354, 1996.

Krider, E. P., 75 years of research on the physics of a lightning discharge, Chapter 11 in Historical Essays on Meteorology, 1919-1995: The Diamond Anniversary History Volume of the American Meteorological Society, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, June, 1996.

Krider, E. P., Physics of lightning today, Revue Générale de l'Électricité (France), 6, 2-7, 1994.

Koshak, W. J. and E. P. Krider, A linear method for analyzing lightning field changes, J. Atmos. Sci., 51 (4), 473-488, 1994.

Krider, E. P., On the electromagnetic fields, Poynting vector, and peak power radiated by lightning return strokes, J. Geophys. Res., 97 (D14), 15,913-15,917, 1992.

Blakeslee, R. J., and E. P. Krider, Ground level measurements of air conductivities under Florida thunderstorms, J. Geophys. Res., 97 (D12), 12,947-12,951, 1992.

Deaver, L. E., and E. P. Krider, Electric fields and current densities under small Florida thunderstorms, J. Geophys. Res., 96 (D12), 22,273-22,281, 1991.

Current Research Projects