Friday Oct. 12, 2007

Quiz #2 was returned in class today.  A small grading error was pointed out to me after class.  More about that in class on Monday.

The worksheets that accompany 1S1P Assignment #2 were distributed in class.  These worksheets are optional.  However if you do turn in a completed worksheet you can earn some extra credit that will be added to your 1S1P points total.

Optional Assignment #4 was handed out in class.  This assignment is due on Wednesday Oct. 17.  Optional Assignment #5 will be handed out in class next week.

There are a few remaining Experiment #3 kits.  Also the Scientific Paper is now available.

Optional Assignment #4 deals with the factors that determine a region's yearly average and yearly range of temperature.  These factors are discussed on pps 63-66 in Chapter 3 of the textbook (same pages in both the 4th and 5th editions).  Or you might prefer to read an online summary of the Controls of Temperature.

We have already learned that oceans moderate climate.  A region next to an ocean or an island surrounded by ocean will have a smaller annual range of temperature than a location surrounded by land.  Latitude also affects the annual range of temperature.  The smallest seasonal variations are found at the equator because the days are always 12 hours long and the sun is always high in the sky at noon.

We had a brief look at some climate data from Pohnpei Island in the Federated States of Micronesia.  You'll find some information about Pohnpei and other nearby islands on pps 81 and 82 in the photocopied Class Notes.

Pohnpei  island is located to the east of Guam.

Pohnpei is a fairly large island and is a popular snorkeling and scuba diving destination.   Pohnpei has a weather station that is operated by the US National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration.

Because of its low latitude and the fact that it is surrounded by water you would expect a small annual range of temperature at Pohnpei.  You can see in the table above just how small the annual range is: the average monthly temperatures in Pohnpei range from 80.8 F in February and March to 80.0 F in July.  The annual range is less than 1 F.  By comparison, the annual range in Tucson is about 34 F (52 F in December and January to 86 F in July). 

The following precipitation data show that Pohnpei is one of the rainiest locations on earth

The rainiest location on earth is in Hawaii with about 460 inches of rain per year.

The following is an introduction to an important new topic: humidity.  The beginning of Chapter 4 can be a little overwhelming and confusing.  If you find it too confusing, I would suggest you stop reading.  Instead, study this introduction and the notes you take in class.  We will work a number of example humidity problems and you should fairly quickly grasp the basic concepts.

We will be mainly interested in 4 variables, what they are and what can cause their values to change.  The variables are : mixing ratio, saturation mixing ratio, relative humidity, and dew point.  You will find most of what follows on pps 83-85 in the photocopied class notes.

Mixing ratio tells you how much water vapor is actually in the air.  Mixing ratio has units of grams of water vapor per kilogram of dry air (the amount of water vapor in grams mixed with a kilogram of dry air).  It is basically the same idea as teaspoons of sugar mixed in a cup of tea.

The value of the mixing ratio won't change unless you add water vapor to or remove water vapor from the air.  Warming the air won't change the mixing ratio.  Cooling the air won't change the mixing ratio (unless the air is cooled below its dew point temperature and water vapor starts to condense).

Saturation mixing ratio is just an upper limit to how much water vapor can be found in air, the air's capacity for water vapor.  It's a property of air, it doesn't say anything about how much water vapor is actually in the air (that's the mixing ratio's job).  Warm air can potentially hold more water vapor than cold air.  This variable has the same units: grams of water vapor per kilogram of dry air.  Saturation mixing ratio values for different air temperatures are listed and graphed on p. 86 in the photocopied class notes.

The dependence of saturation mixing ratio on air temperature is illustrated below:

The small specks represent all of the gases in air except for the water vapor.  Each of the open circles represents 1 gram of water vapor that the air could hold.  There are 15 open circles drawn in the 1 kg of 70 F air; each 1 kg of 70 F air could hold up to 15 grams of water vapor.  The 40 F air only has 5 open circles; this cooler air can only hold up to 5 grams of water vapor per kilogram of dry air.

Now we have gone and actually put some water vapor into the volumes of 70 F and 40 F air.  3 grams of water vapor have been added to each volume of air.  The mixing ratio, r, is 3 g/kg in both cases.

The relative humidity is the variable most people are familiar with, it tells you how "full" the air is with water vapor.

In the analogy (sketched on the right hand side of p. 83 in the photocopied notes) 4 students wander into Classroom A which has 16 empty seats.  Classroom A is filled to 25% of its capacity.  You can think of 4, the number of students, as being analogous to the mixing ratio.  The classroom capacity is analogous to the saturation mixing ratio.  The percentage occupancy is analogous to the relative humidity.

Instead of students and a classroom you could think of the 70 F and 40 F air that could potentially hold 15 grams or 5 grams, respectively of water vapor.

Here are the relative humidities of the 70 F and 40 F air that each contain 3 grams of water vapor.  The 70 F air has a low RH because this warm air's saturation mixing ratio is large.  The RH in the 40 F is higher even though it has the same actual amount of water vapor because the 40 F air can't hold as much water vapor and is closer to being saturated.

Something important to note: RH doesn't really tell you how much water vapor is actually in the air.  The two volumes of air above contain the same amount of water vapor (3 grams per kilogram) but have different relative humidities.  You could just as easily have two volumes of air with the same relative humidities but different actual amounts of water vapor.

The dew point temperature has two jobs.  First it is a measure of the actual amount of water vapor in the air.  In this respect it is just like the mixing ratio.  If the dew point temperature is low the air doesn't contain much water vapor.  If it is high the air contains more water vapor. 

Second the dew point tells you how much you must cool the air in order to cause the RH to increase to 100% (at which point a cloud, or dew or frost, or fog would form).

If we cool the 70 F air or the 40 F air to 30 F we would find that the saturation mixing ratio would decrease to 3 grams/kilogram.  Since the air actually contains 3 g/kg, the RH of the 30 F air would become 100%.  The 30 F air would be saturated, it would be filled to capacity with water vapor.  30 F is the dew point temperature for 70 F air that contains 3 grams of water vapor per kilogram of dry air.  It is also the dew point temperature for 40 F air that contains 3 grams of water vapor per kilogram of dry air.

Now back to our students and classrooms analogy on the righthand side of p. 83.  The 4 students move into classrooms of smaller and smaller capacity.  The decreasing capacity of the  classrooms is analogous to the decrease in saturation mixing ratio that occurs when you cool air.  Eventually the students move into a classroom that they just fill to capacity.  This is analogous to cooling the air to the dew point temperature, at which point the RH becomes 100% and the air is filled to capacity, the air is saturated with water vapor.

The answers to the in-class optional assignment will be added to the online notes next week.