Monday Sept. 24, 2007

The graded Experiment #1 reports were returned in class today.  You are allowed to revise these reports.  The revised reports are due by Mon., Oct. 8.  You only have to rewrite sections where you want to earn additional credit.  Please return the original report with your revised report.

Some material not covered in class last Friday (temperature vs heat, temperature scales) was added to the Fri., Sep. 21 online notes.  That material was discussed quickly at the start of today's class. 

Conduction is the first of four energy transport processes that we will cover.  The figure below illustrates this process.  A hot object is stuck in the middle of some air.

In the first picture the random motions of the atoms or molecules near the object have caused them to collide with and pick up energy from the object.  This is reflected by the increased speed of motion or increased kinetic energy of these molecules or atoms (these guys are colored red).  In the middle picture the initial bunch of energetic molecules have collided with some of their neighbors and shared energy with them (these are orange).  The neighbor molecules have gained energy though they don't have as much energy as the molecules next to the hot object.  In the third picture molecules further from the object now have gained some energy (the yellow ones).  The random motions and collisions between molecules is carrying energy from the hot object out into the colder material.

Conduction transports energy from hot to cold.  The rate of energy transport depends first on the material (air in the example above).  Thermal conductivities of some common materials are listed.  Air is a very poor conductor of energy.  Air is generally regarded as an insulator.  Water is a little bit better conductor.  Metals are generally very good conductors (sauce pans are often made of stainless steel but have aluminum or copper bottoms to evenly spread out heat when placed on a stove).  Diamond has a very high thermal conductivity.  Diamonds are sometimes called "ice."  They feel cold when you touch them.  The cold feeling is due to the fact that they conduct energy very quickly away from your warm fingers when you touch them.

The rate of energy transport also depends on temperature difference.  If the object in the picture had been warm rather than hot, less energy would flow or energy would flow at a slower into the surrounding material.

The next figure shows a demonstration mentioned but not performed in class (the 3 figures weren't shown in class either).  It involves opening a bottle of something with a strong smell such as glacial acetic acid (acetic acid gives vinegar its characteristic smell) in the front of the classroom.  With time the odor would eventually spread throughout the class room.  This is an example of diffusion.  The acetic acid molecules would be moved through the room by random collisions with air molecules.  In many respects this is like the conduction of heat.  The demonstration wasn't performed because the concentration of the acetic acid in the air, at least in the front of the room, would be high enough to present a serious risk to the instructor and students.

The acetic acid is beginning to evaporate into the air.  Collisions with air molecules would begin to move the acetic acid molecules toward the back of the room.

The instructor has lost consciousness because of the strong odor of the acetic acid in the front of the room. 

The odor would eventually spread throughout the class room.

Convection was the next energy transport process we had a look at.  Rather than moving about randomly, the atoms or molecules move as a group.  Convection works in liquids and gases but not solids.

At Point 1 in the picture above a thin layer of air surrounding a hot object has been heated by conduction. Then at Point 2 a person (yes that is a drawing of a person's head) is blowing the blob of warm air off to the right.  The warm air molecules are moving away at Point 3 from the hot object together as a group (that's the organized part of the motion).  At Point 4 cooler air moves in and surrounds the hot object and the cycle can repeat itself. 

This is forced convection.  If you have a hot object in your hand you could just hold onto it and let it cool by conduction.  That might take a while because air is a poor conductor.  Or you could blow on the hot object and force it to cool more quickly.

A thin layer of air at Point 1 in the figure above (lower left) is heated by conduction.  Then because hot air is also low density air, it actually isn't necessary to blow on the hot object, the warm air will rise by itself (Point 3).  Energy is being transported away from the hot object into the cooler surrounding air.  This is called free convection and represents another way of causing rising air motions in the atmosphere (rising air motions are important because rising air expands as it moves into lower pressure surroundings and cools.  If the air is moist, clouds can form).  Cooler air moves in to take the place of the rising air at Point 4 and the process repeats itself.

The example at upper right is also free convection.  The sinking air motions that would be found around a cold object have the effect of transporting energy from the warm surroundings to the colder object.

Here's a little detour not taken in class (we're beating this topic to death again).
Because air has such a low thermal conductivity it is often used as an insulator.  It is important, however, to keep the air trapped in small pockets or small volumes so that it isn't able to move and transport energy by convection.  Here are some examples of insulators that use air:

Foam contains lots of small bubbles of air

Double pane windows are used in many homes and buildings to conserve energy.  A thin layer of air is trapped between two panes of glass.  Window manufacturers also use a variety of other techniques to make the windows even better insulators.

A tangled mess of hollow fibers (eg. hollofil) is often used in sleeping bags or winter jackets. 

Now some practical applications of what we have learned about conductive and convective energy transport.

Metals are better conductors than wood.  If you touch a piece of 70 F metal it will feel colder than a piece of 70 F wood.  A piece of 70 F diamond would feel even colder because it is a better conductor than metal.  Something that feels cold may not be as cold as it seems.  Our perception of cold is more an indication of how quickly our hand is losing energy than a reliable measurement of temperature. 

Air is a poor conductor.  If you stick your hand out in 40 F weather the air won't conduct energy away from your hand very quickly at all and the air won't feel very cold.  If you stick your hand into a bucket of 40 F water, it will feel very cold (your hand will actually soon begin to hurt).  Water is a much better conductor than air.  Energy flows much more rapidly from your hand into the cold water.

If you go outside on a 40 F day (calm winds) you will feel cool; your body is losing energy to the colder surroundings (by conduction mainly).  A thermometer behaves differently.  It actually cools to the temperature of the surroundings.  Once it reaches 40 F it won't lose any additional energy.

If you go outside on a 40 F day with 30 MPH winds your body will lose energy at a more rapid rate (because convection together with conduction are transporting energy away from your body).  It will feel colder than a 40 F day with calm winds.  Actually, in terms of the rate at which your body loses energy, the windy 40 F day would feel the same as a calm 28 F day.  The combination 40 F and 30 MPH winds results in a wind chill temperature of 28 F. 

The thermometer will again cool to the temperature of its surroundings, it will just cool more quickly on a windy day.  Once the thermometer reaches 40 F there won't be any additional energy flow.   The thermometer would measure 40 F on both the calm and the windy day.

Standing outside on a 40 F day is usually not a life threatening situation.  Falling into 40 F water is. 

Energy will be conducted away from your body more quickly than your body can replace it.  Your core body temperature will drop and bring on hypothermia. Be sure not to confuse hypothermia with hyperthermia which can bring on heatstroke and which is probably a more serious outdoors risk in S. Arizona.