Cloudsat pass through eye of Choi-Wan.

ATMO 580: Tropical Meteorology

Fall 2009

MWF 11:00-11:50 am, PAS 448


Wednesday, Dec 2

I've added two Ivan (2004) eyewall replacement cycles to the list - the second is better than the first!!
The final exam will be held at the advertised date and time.
The final exam will be closed notes/book.

Cool loops: Loop of morphed MW imagery of Choi-Wan - eyewall replacement cycle

Course Description:

An introduction to the fundamentals of meteorology in the tropics. Topics include tropical climatology; large-scale circulations and the role of the tropics in the general circulation; monsoons; seasonal, interannual; and decadel variations; tropical clouds and precipitation processes; tropical cyclones and other disturbances.

Western North Pacific:

ex-STY Nida and TD - Fujiwhara ...

Eastern North Pacific:

TS Marty: 40 kt, 1002 hPa


Professor Liz Ritchie
Phone: 626-7843
Office: Physics and Atmospheric Sciences (PAS) Building, Room 570
Office Hours: Tues/Wed 1:00-2:00pm

Video of night penetration of eyewall in Hurricane Felix - courtesy of the 53rd USAF weather recon

Updated 24 August 2009