Homework Assignments / Term Paper

Homework#5 (click here to read assignment WORD format)
Global Warming Essay
Due in class on Tuesday, November 30, 2010
You may want read over the information contained in the links below before writing
your paper.
Global Warming
Summary Sheet
Attitudes Toward Global Warming

Homework#4 (click here to download assignment [WORD Document])
Weather Map Analysis
Due in class on Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Below are links to the maps that you need to complete the assignment.
Forecast 500mb Maps:
48 hour (2 day) forecast map valid for 00Z Wednesday, November 3
120 hour (5 day) forecast map valid for 00Z Saturday, November 6
240 hour (10 day) forecast map valid for 00Z Thursday, November 11
True 500mb Maps (Maps will be placed here as they become available):
True 500 mb map at 00Z Wednesday, November 3
True 500 mb map at 00Z Saturday, November 6
True 500 mb map at 00Z Thursday, November 11
Average 500 mb height maps:
November 500 mb height climatology (long-term average)
Examples of forecast discussions for maps below:
500 mb map for 00Z Tuesday, January 27, 2004
500 mb map for 00Z Wednesday, February 4, 2004
February 500 mb height climatology (long-term average)
Sample write-ups for part I of homework

Homework#3 (click here to read assignment WORD format)
Cloud and Stability Problems
Due in class Thursday, October 21, 2010
We have already covered
the material necessary to complete questions 1-3. We will cover the material necessary
to complete the remaining questions this week (October 5 and 7). I made the due date two and one
half weeks from today (October 21) to give you time to finish up the term paper if necessary.
However, I do suggest that you start it early so that you can get
help if necessary.
Please do not print and include the questions with the homework that you submit,
only the answers are necessary. If you need to show work,
please show the work just before or just after you answer the questions. Do not attach a separate
page of calculations or show all your work at the end. Failure to follow these
guidelines may result in loss of points.
Saturation mixing ratio table in Celsius (needed
for question 2c)
Skew-T diagram for Tucson September 5, 2010 at 00Z
(needed for question 3)

Homework#2 (click here to read assignment WORD format)
Atmospheric vertical variation, humidity, and human comfort
Due in class Tuesday, September 21, 2010
There is a typo in question 8(b). It reads
"(b)Explain why the conditions specified above would be more dangerous for people who are wearing
wet clothing. Assuming people in both cities are outside in wet clothing, how might your answers
to the last two parts of 7(a) change?" It should ask you to compare with part 8(a), so it should
read "(b)Explain why the conditions specified above would be more dangerous for people who are wearing
wet clothing. Assuming people in both cities are outside in wet clothing, how might your answers
to the last two parts of 8(a) change?"
We have already covered material necessary to do questions 1-2, so you may want to start with those.
You should be able to answer questions 3-6 after lecture on September 9 and questions 7-8
after lecture on September 14.
fig2a. Skew-T diagram for problem #2
fig2b. Skew-T diagram for problem #2
Saturation Mixing Ratio Table
in Fahrenheit

Homework #1
Fill out the ATMO336 Webpage registration form by clicking on the link above.
Due Thursday, September 2, 2010

Term Paper
I suggest that you carefully read over both the instructions and supplemental material
provided below before beginning to write your paper. This topic will not be covered in lecture
until after the paper is due. The term paper should be based on your research. Please let me
know if you have any
questions or comments.
Instructions for Term Paper (WORD format)
Supplemental Material for Term Paper (WORD format)
Due in class Thursday, October 14, 2010