Experiment #2 - Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice

X Nicole Akellian #105
X Emily Althof #275
X Alex Bekken #51
X Arielle Ben-mayer #71
X Matt Bomberger #120
X Jake Broido
X Michael Burt #216

X Kyle Cady #12
X Gabe DuPont #80
X Brent Elenowitz #87
X Justine Evans #44
Angelica Figueroa #93
Britani Gudas #67
X Gaby Gutierrez #223
X Kylee Hamilton #202?
X Kateri Hitchcock #24

X Zachery Hoover #29
X Gianni Howell #87
X David Jimenez #229
X Jie Lan #247
Fortesa Latifi #113
X Qian Liu #22
X Sarah Lossman #58
X Courtney Ludwick #124
X Taoran Ma #172
X Zachary Mills #232
X Will Mitten #126

Catherine Munigle #221
X Ryan Noonan #270

X Ryan O'Connor #66
Christopher Parker #75
X Xuezi Qin #129
X Myrna Quezada #46

X Samuel Ramirez #54
Tyler Robbins #207
X Aungelique Rodriquez #19
X Vanessa Rodriquez #66
X Alexandra Rosado #35
X Kayln Rose #2

X Giana Siska #238
X Ryan Sniezyk #111
X Drew Stone #37
X Tyler Struck #203

X Mingze Sun #7
X Josh Thresher #86
X Shelby Triphan #238
X Dwayne Tucker #151
X Kyle Utter #45
X Jordin Villanueva #225
X Bowen Zou #65
Waiting List
Sam Goodman
Michael Schermeyer

Materials were distributed for the first time on Fri., Sep. 23.  Additional materials should become available soon.

Your thermometer may have a separated column.  If so, read these special instructions.

Even though the experiment doesn't take very long to complete, don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.   That will show you how to use your measurements to calculate the latent heat of fusion.

You can earn a "green card" by collecting your data now and returning the materials the week of Sep. 26-30.

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Experiment reports are due in class on Monday Oct. 10.  An X in front of your name means I've received your report.