Atmo 336: Weather, Climate and Society
Spring 2007, Section 3

Previous exams

Multiple choice answers to exams 1, 2 and 3 2007

Spring 2006 - Exam 3
Image for short answer question #4b
Answers for exam 3
Get questions on ozone and UV radiation and skin cancer from exam 2
Handout on climate models
Handout on consequences of climate change

Spring 2006 - Exam 2
Image for short answer question #9
Answers for exam 2
Ignore questions on ozone and UV radiation and skin cancer because we have no covered those yet

Exam 2 short answer grading explanation

Spring 2006 - Exam 1
500mb map for multiple choice questions 8-14
Image for short answer question #3
Image for short answer question #4

Exam 1 short answer grading explanation

Temperature Change summary
Predicted precip change summary

Rob Kursinski