Wednesday Feb. 21, 2007

A new optional assignment was handed out in class.  Read The Controls of Temperature in Chapter 3 (pps 63-64) or in the online notes before starting the assignment.  The assignment is due at the beginning of class next Wednesday (Feb. 28).

The 1S1P Assignment #2 worksheets, that I forgot to distribute on Monday, were distributed in class today.

Before reading through today's notes, have a look back at the end of Monday's notes.  The last figure shows the pattern of electric field arrows that would be found around a  positive charge.  The electric field arrows show the direction and strength of the force that would be exerted (by the center charge) on a second positive charge placed anywhere in the pattern.  You'll also find a couple of sample questions (and answers) about static electricity and electric fields.

The figures on p. 60 in the photocopied class notes have been redrawn below for clarity.

We imagine turning on a source of EM radiation and then a short time later we take a snapshot.  The EM radiation is a wavy pattern of electric and magnetic field arrows.  We'll ignore the magnetic field lines.  The E field lines sometimes point up, sometimes down.  The pattern of electric field arrows repeats itself. 

Note the + charge near the right side of the picture.  At the time this picture was taken the EM radiation exerts a fairly strong upward force on the + charge.

Textbooks often represent EM radiation with a wavy line like shown above. But what does that represent?

The wavy line just connects the tips of a bunch of electric field arrows.

This picture was taken a short time after the first snapshot when the radiation had traveled a little further to the right.  The EM radiation now exerts a somewhat weaker downward force on the + charge.

The + charge is now being pushed upward again.  A movie of the + charge would show it bobbing up and down much like a swimmer in the ocean would do as waves passed by.

The wavy pattern used to depict EM radiation can be described spatially in terms of its wavelength, the distance between identical points on the pattern.

Or you can describe the radiation temporally using the frequency of oscillation (number of up and down cycles completed by an oscillating charge per second)

One of the ways of producing EM radiation is to move a charge up and down.  If you move a charge up and down slowly (upper left in the figure above) you would produce long wavelength radiation that would propagate out to the right at the speed of light.  If you move the charge up and down more rapidly you produce short wavelength radiation that propagates at the same speed.

Once the EM radiation encounters the charges at the right side of the figure above the EM radiation causes those charges to oscillate up and down.  In the case of the long wavelength radiation the charge at right oscillates slowly.  This is low frequency and low energy motion.  The short wavelength causes the charge at right to oscillate more rapidly - high frequency and high energy.

The characteristics long wavelength - low frequency - low energy go together. So do short wavelength - high frequency - high energy.  Note that the two different types of radiation both propagate at the same speed.

This is really just a partial list of some of the different types of EM radiation.  In the top list, shortwave length and high energy forms of EM radiation are on the left (gamma rays and X-rays for example).  Microwaves and radiowaves are longer wavelength, lower energy forms of EM radiation.

We will mostly be concerned with just ultraviolet light (UV), visible light (VIS), and infrared light (IR).  Note the micrometer (millionths of a meter) units used for wavelength.  The visible portion of the spectrum falls between 0.4 and 0.7 micrometers (UV and IR light are both invisible).  All of the vivid colors shown above are just EM radiation with slightly different wavelengths.  WHen you see all of these colors together, you see white light.

Unless an object is very cold (0 K) it will emit EM radiation.  All the people, the furniture, the walls and the floor in the classroom are emitting EM radiation.  Often this radiation will be invisible so that we can't see it and weak enough that we can't feel it.  Both the amount and kind (wavelength) of the emitted radiation depend on the object's temperature.

The second rule allows you to determine the amount of EM radiation (radiant energy) an object will emit.  Don't worry about the units, you can think of this as amount, or rate, or intensity.  Don't worry about σ either, it is just a constant.  The amount depends on temperature to the fourth power.  If the temperature of an object doubles the amount of energy emitted will increase by a factor of 2 to the 4th power (that's 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16).  A hot object just doesn't emit a little more energy than a cold object it emits a lot more energy than a cold object.

The third rule tells you something about the kind of radiation emitted by an object.  We will see that objects usually emit radiation at many different wavelengths.  There is one wavelength however at which the object emits more energy than at any other wavelength.  This is called lambda max (lambda is the greek character used to represent wavelength).  The third rule allows you to calculate "lambda max."

We'll try to get a better feeling for what these rules mean in class on Friday.