Homework Sets, Writing Assignments and Research Paper Instructions
The latest assignments will be placed at the top of the list

Instructions for Writing Global Warming Essay
(click here to read assignment WORD format)
Global Warming Essay
Due in class on Wednesday, November 30, 2016
You may want read over the information contained in the links below before writing
your paper.
Global Warming
Summary Sheet
Attitudes Toward Global Warming

500 mb Project Instructions (click here to read assignment WORD format)
500 mb Map Analysis and Forecasting
Due in class on Monday, November 14, 2016
Answer template for the Project You should download the template and then fill-in
the required information.
Link to Page containing the 500 mb maps
Link to document that explains how to read the 500 mb height anomaly maps
and provides examples of the type of write-up expected for section 2 of the 500 mb Project Report.
Grading. The project is worth 50 points total with the following breakdown, introduction 5 pts, Section 2a 10 pts, Section 2b 5 pts,
Section 2c 10 pts, Section 2d 5 pts, Discussion 5 pts, Overall presentation 10 pts. You should see a score for each of the parts
listed above on your graded project report. Here is a
link to a WORD document with sample analyses of maps for section 2 of the project.

Homework#2 (click here to read assignment WORD format)
Humidity, human comfort, and stability problems
Due in class Monday, October 10, 2016
Saturation Mixing Ratio Table
in Fahrenheit

Homework#1 (click here to read assignment WORD format)
Weather maps, winds, behaviour of gases, and Atmospheric vertical variation
Due in class on September 16, 2016
Links to homework maps and skew-T diagrams:
Map Image for question 1 (png format)
500 mb map for question 2 (gif format)
500 mb map for question 3 (gif format)
skew-T #1 for question 8 (pdf format)
skew-T #2 for question 8 (pdf format)

Class Registration Form
Fill out the ATMO336 Webpage registration form by clicking on the link above. The main reason
for this exercise is for you to choose a Class Name for the gradesheet. You will also get
10 extra credit points on your semester grade.
Due Friday, September 2, 2016

Research Paper
I suggest that you carefully read over the instructions
provided below before beginning to write your paper. We will go over the instructions in
class on August 29. However, we will not cover the topic of carbon dioxide increases
and the potential climate changes that may occur
until after the paper is due. The research paper should be based on your research. Please let me
know if you have any
questions or comments.
Instructions for Term Paper and Optional
extra credit Topic Statement (pdf format)
Optional Research Paper Topic Proposal due in D2L assignment dropbox by September 7
First Draft of Paper (upload to D2L discussion forum "Peer Review Forum") due by September 28
Peer Reviews of two papers (reply to submissions using "Peer Review Forum") due by October 5
Printed Paper (final version) due in class Wednesday, October 19
Electronic copy of same paper must also be submitted to D2L assignment dropbox by Wednesday, October 19
Grading Guidelines for Research Paper
Here are some links to offerings from the Writing Skills Improvement Program
The Craft of Writing (for beginners):
First workshop Mon, Sept 12, "Getting started: Brainstorming past the empty page"
Introduction to Scholarly Writing
(writing for gened and other courses): First workshop Wed, Sept 14, "Analysis: What is it?"
Grammar and Style
(for ESL speakers, all levels): First workshop Mon, Sept 19, "Playing with punctuation"