We try to minimize the damage the final
exam can do by making it only 20% of your overall
grade. You would only need 40% on the final to
preserve the C that you currently have.
Late work
Late 1S1P reports are still being accepted. If
your report is reasonably well written (in your own words
and contains some solid and accurate information) you'll
receive half of the points possible per topic. I
can't promise that this late work will be graded right
away, my top priority now is getting the Final Exam
ready. The late work might not be graded until after
the Final Exam and then only if it looks like it could
have an effect on your overall grade.
Late experiment reports and experiment report revisions
are also still being accepted. There's a good chance
this late work won't be graded until after the Final Exam.
Office hours
Generally every afternoon between 1:30 and
3:30. Morning office hours will be discontinued
after classes end on Wednesday.