April 3, 2008

These notes were put together in a hurry on Friday afternoon.  They haven't yet been carefully proofread and may contain a lot of typographical errors.

Extra office hours continue through the rest of this week. 

The answers to the Controls of Temperature Optional Assignment are available online.  The graded papers were returned in class today.

The 3rd (and final) 1S1P Assignment is now available.

The humidity Optional Assignment was collected in class today.  The graded papers will be returned next Tuesday.  A handout with answers to the questions was distributed in class so that you won't have to wait until next week to begin preparing for next week's quiz.

Speaking of the quiz, the Quiz #3 Study Guide is now in its final form.  There were a couple of short sections added to the beginning of the preliminary version of the study guide.

I forgot to mention that Expt. #4 is due next Tuesday and forgot to remind you to bring your experiment materials to my office.  I will probably extend the deadline until next Thursday so that I can make an announcement in class next Tuesday.

Click here after you have thought about this for awhile.

Here's another question that the other class will see on Friday.  Click here to see the answer.

Because we have just finished a section on clouds, we will spend a little time looking at satellite photographs and what they tell you about the clouds they view.  You'll find satellite photographs discussed on pps 99-100 in the photocopied class notes (also in the text: pps 240-243 (Chap. 9) in the 5th eds of the text & pps 236-240 in the 4th edition of the text).  A handout with most of the following figures was distributed in class.  Extra copies should be available in class next Tuesday.

1. An infrared satellite photograph detects the 10 um IR radiation actually emitted by the ground or by clouds.  You don't depend on seeing reflected sunlight, so  clouds can be photographed during the day and at night.  You may recall that 10 um radiation is in the middle of the atmospheric window, so this radiation is able to pass through air without being absorbed.

2.   Clouds absorb 10 um radiation and then reemit radiation.  The top surface of a low altitude cloud will be relatively warm.  Warmer objects emit IR radiation at a greater rate or at higher intensity (the Stefan Boltzmann law from Chap. 2).  This is shown as grey on an IR satellite photograph. 
A grey unimpressive looking cloud on an IR satellite photograph may actually be a thick nimbostratus cloud that is producing a lot of rain or snow.

3.   Cloud tops found at high altitude are cold and emit IR radiation at a lower rate or at lower intensity.  This shows up white on an IR photograph. 

4.   Two very different clouds (a thunderstorm and a cirrostratus cloud) would both appear white on the satellite photograph and would be difficult to distinquish.  Meteorologists are interested in locating tall thunderstorms as they can produce severe weather.

5.   The ground changes temperature during the course of the day.  On an infrared satellite animation you can watch the ground change from black (afternoon when the ground is warmest) to grey (early morning when the ground is cold) during the course of a day.  The ocean right alongside doesn't change temperature much during the day and remains grey throughout the day. 

A visible satellite photograph photographs sunlight that is reflected by clouds.  You won't see much on a visible satellite photograph at night.  Thick clouds are good reflectors and appear white.  Thinner clouds don't reflect as much light and appear grey.  The low altitude layer cloud and the thunderstorm would both appear white on this photograph and would be difficult to distinquish.

Here's a summary of what we have learned so far.

The figure below shows how if you combine both visible and IR photographs you can begin to distinquish between different types of clouds.

There is one more type of satellite image worth mentioned, a water vapor image.

This is also a type of IR photograph.  It detects a different wavelength of IR radiation.  6.7 um radiation is absorbed and emitted by water vapor in the atmosphere.  Warm low altitude water vapor appears grey and unimpressive.  Higher altitude water vapor appears white on the satellite photograph.  But remember the high altitude air is cold and there isn't much water vapor up there.  The utility of these photographs is not to show you whether a lot of moisture is moving into an area but rather they reveal wind motions in regions where there aren't clouds.

We were able in class on Thursday to get started on the next topic: formation of precipitation.  It is not as easy to make precipitation as you might think.  Only nimbostratus and cumulonimbus clouds are able to do it.

This figure shows typical sizes of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), cloud droplets, and raindrops (a human hair is about 50 um thick for comparison).  As we saw in the cloud in a bottle demonstration it is relatively easy to make cloud droplets.  You cool moist air to the dew point and raise the RH to 100%.  Water vapor condenses pretty much instantaneously onto a cloud condensation nucleus to form a cloud droplet.  It would take much longer (a day or more) for condensation to turn a cloud droplet into a raindrop.  You know from personal experience that once a cloud forms you don't have to wait that long for precipitation to begin to fall.

Part of the problem is that it takes quite a few 20 um diameter cloud droplets to make one 2000 um diameter raindrop.  How many exactly?  The raindrop is 100 times bigger across.  Volume is three dimensions.  The raindrop is 100 times wider, 100 times deeper, and 100 times higher than the cloud droplet.  The raindrop has a volume that is 100 x 100 x 100 times larger than the volume of the cloud droplets. 

Fortunately there are two processes capable of quickly turning small cloud droplets into much larger precipitation particles in a cloud.

The collision coalescence process works in clouds that are composed of water droplets only.  Clouds like this are only found in the tropics.  We'll see that this is a pretty easy process to understand.  This process will only produce rain.

The ice crystal process produces precipitation everywhere else.  This is the process that makes rain in Tucson, even in the hottest part of the summer.  There is one part of this process that is a little harder to understand.  Though this process can produce a variety of different kinds of precipitation (rain, snow, hail, etc).

Here's what you might see if you looked inside a warm cloud with just water droplets:

The collision coalescence process works best in a cloud filled with cloud droplets of different sizes.  As we saw in a short video the larger droplets fall faster than the small droplets.  A larger than average cloud droplet will overtake and collide with smaller slower moving ones.

This is an acclerating growth process.  The falling droplet gets wider, falls faster, and sweeps out an increasingly larger volume inside the cloud.

The figure below shows the two precipitation producing clouds: nimbostratus (Ns) and cumulonimbus (Cb).  Ns clouds are thinner and have weaker updrafts than Cb clouds.  Cb clouds are thicker and have much stronger updrafts.  The largest raindrops fall from Cb clouds because the droplets spend more time in the cloud growing.

Raindrops grow up to about 1/4 inch in diameter.  When drops get larger than that, wind resistance flattens out the drop as it falls toward the ground.  The drop begins to "flop" around and breaks apart into several smaller droplets.  Solid precipitation particles such as hail can get much larger than 1/4 inch in diameter.

Before learning about the second precipitation producing process, the ice crystal process, we need to look at the structure of cold clouds.  The figure below is a redrawn version of what was drawn in class

The bottom of the thunderstorm, Point 1, is warm enough (warmer than freezing) to just contain water droplets.  The top of the thunderstorm, Point 2, is colder than -40 C and just contains ice crystals.  The interesting part of the thunderstorm and the nimbostratus cloud is the middle part, Point 3, that contains both supercooled water droplets (water that has been cooled to below freezing but hasn't frozen) and ice crystals.  This is called the mixed phase region.  This is where the ice crystal process will be able to produce precipitation.  This is also where the electrical charge that results in lightning is generated.

The supercooled water droplets aren't able to freeze even though they have been cooled below freezing.  At Point 4 we see this is because it is much easier for small droplets of water to freeze onto an ice crystal nucleus (just like it is easier for water vapor to condense onto condensation nuclei rather than condensing and forming a small droplet of pure water).  Not just any material will work as an ice nucleus however.  The material must have a crystalline structure that is like that of ice.

We'll see next how the ice crystal process works.  There's a couple of tricky parts.

The first figure above (see p.101 in the photocopied Class Notes) shows a water droplet in equilibrium with its surroundings..The droplet is evaporating (the 3 blue arrows in the figure).  The rate of evaporation will depend on the temperature of the water droplet.  The droplet is surrounded by air that is saturated with water vapor (the droplet is inside a cloud where the relative humidity is 100%).  This means there is enough water vapor to be able to supply 3 arrows of condensation.

This figure shows what is required for an ice crystal (at the same temperature) to be in equilibrium with its surroundings.  First the ice crystal won't evaporate as rapidly as the water droplet (only one arrow is shown).  Going from ice to water vapor is a bigger jump than going from water to water vapor.  There won't be as many ice molecules with enough energy to make that jump.  A sort of analogous situation is shown in the figure below.  Your fearless instructor was able to jump from the ground up 20 inches and land on a chair (a swivelling chair with wheels).  But he wasn't willing (he was pretty he wouldn't be able) to try to jump from the floor up 34 inches and land on the cabinet top near the front of the room.

To be in equilibrium only one arrow of condensation is needed.  There doesn't need to be as much water vapor in the air surrounding the ice crystal to supply this lower rate of condensation.

There are going to be fewer people able to make the big jump on the left just as there are fewer ice molecules able to sublimate.  Going from water to water vapor is a "smaller jump" and more molecules are able to do just as more people would be able to make the shorter jump at right in the picture above.

Now what happens in the mixed phase region of a cold cloud is that ice crystals find themselves in the very moist surroundings needed for water droplet equilibrium. This is shown below.

The water droplet is in equilibrium (3 arrows of evaporation and 3 arrows of condensation) with the surroundings.  The ice crystal is evaporating more slowly than the water droplet.  Because the ice crystal is in the same surroundings as the water droplet water vapor will be condensing onto the ice crystal at the same rate as onto the water droplet.  The ice crystal isn't in equilibrium, condensation exceeds evaporation and the ice crystal will grow.

The equal rates of condensation are shown in the figure below using the earlier analogy.

Even though he was afraid to jump from the floor to the cabinet top, the instructor had no problem jumping from the cabinet top to the floor.

Have a nice weekend, we'll look at the variety of things that can happen to a growing ice crystal in a cold cloud in class on Tuesday.