One Side of One Page (1S1P) Assignments Page

Assignment #3 (due on or before Fri., Apr. 18)
points possible
5th ed.
4th ed.
#6 Rain Shadow Effect
pps 119-120
pps 119-120
*read this additional information
#7 Why the Wind Blows
pps 149-154
pps 150-154
up to, but not including, Straight-Line Flow Aloft
#8 Sea and Land Breezes, Monsoons, Mountain and Valley Breezes, Chinook Winds, Santa Ana Winds 15
p. 172, pps 174-183 (Ch. 7) p.170, pps 172-181 (Ch. 7)
#9 Thunderstorms
pps 264-276 (Ch. 10)
pps 258-270 (Ch. 10)
You can do 0, 1, or 2 reports as part of this assignment.  Remember your goal this semester should be to earn 45 1S1P pts.  Some of you are very close to that total.  Since you can't earn more than 45 1S1P pts, it doesn't make much sense, in that case, to write more than one report.  If you haven't earned many 1S1P pts yet this semester you should plan on doing two reports and should pick the topics with the greatest number of points possible.

Your report must be double spaced and must fit entirely on one side of one page.  A more complete set of rules and restrictions is given on the Writing Requirements page.  Click on each topic for some more report writing suggestions and for more information about a worksheet that accompanies each topic.

Assignment #2 (due before Spring Break, by Fri., Mar. 14)
points possible
5th ed.
4th ed.
#4 Rising & Sinking Air
Atmospheric Stability

15 +  (4)w
p. 31 (Ch. 2)
pps 112-117 (Ch. 5)
p. 31 (Ch. 2)
pps 112-117 (Ch. 5)
Focus on a Special Topic Box only
Up to, but not including, Cloud Development
and Stability
#5 Fronts
15 +  (4)m pps 214-222 (Ch. 8)
pps 212-219 (Ch. 8) up to, but not including, Middle-Latitude Cyclones

You can do 0, 1, or 2 reports as part of this assignment.  As you turn in 1S1P reports during the semester you will accumulate points; your goal during the course of the semester should be to get as close as possible to the maximum of 45 total points allowed for 1S1P reports.  If you didn't write any Assignment #1 reports you should definitely do two reports this time.  There will be one more assignment similar to this one later in the semester.

Your report must be double spaced and must fit entirely on one side of one page.  A more complete set of rules and restrictions is given on the Writing Requirements page.  Click on each topic for some more report writing suggestions and for more information about a worksheet that accompanies each topic.

Assignment #1 Thu. Feb. 7 & Thu. Feb. 14 due dates (see below)

points possible
5th ed.
4th ed.
#1 - Factors that Affect Air Pollution (Ch. 12)
pps 340-347
pps 331- 337
up to, but not including, Acid Deposition
#2 - The Earth's Changing Climate (Ch. 14)
pps 384-390
pps 374-380
up to, but not including, Possible Causes of Climate Change
#3 - Possible Causes of Climate Change (Ch. 14)
pps 391-401
pps 380-390
up to, but not including, Global Warming

You can do a total of 0, 1, 2, or 3 reports as part of this assignment.  You can turn in up to 3 reports on the Feb. 7 due date.  You can turn in a maximum of 2 reports on the Feb. 14 due date.  Thus if you plan to write a total of 3 reports, you must turn in at least 1 report on the Feb. 7 due date.

Your report must be double spaced and must fit entirely on one side of one page.  A more complete set of rules and restrictions is given on the Writing Requirements page.  Click on each topic for some report writing suggestions.

*You will earn points on every acceptable 1S1P report you write.  As you write reports and earn points, your points total will grow.  Your objective should be to earn 45 pts. (the maximum number allowed) by the end of the semester.  How you try to do that is up to you.  There will be a total of 3 assignments like this during the semester.  Some students might write a lot of Assignment #1 and Assignment #2 reports and not have to do any Assignment #3 reports.  Other students might not write any Assignment #1 reports and then write a lot of Assignment #2 and Assignment #3 reports.  There will probably be a few students that don't write any 1S1P reports at all.  They won't earn any 1S1P pts. and their overall grade will suffer.