Wednesday Mar. 2
click here to download today's notes in a more printer friendly format

A couple of songs from Jackson Browne this morning ("Sky Blue and Black" and "The Barricades of Heaven")

The Experiment #3 materials were distributed in class today.  I'll have materials again on Friday if you'd like to check some out.  This is the last of the experiments that you can do this semester (unless you really really want to do Experiment #4).  If you haven't done an experiment I would recommend checking out some Expt. #3 materials.  A short video concerning Expt. #3 was shown in class to try increase interest in the experiment.

The revised Expt. #1 reports were collected today.  It may be a while before you get those back.  Top priority goes to the Expt. #2 reports.

The 1S1P Assignment reports were collected today.  We'll try to get at least one of the topics graded and returned to you sometime next week.

I forgot to return the Surface Weather Map Analyses on Monday.  The upper level chart Optional Assignment is now graded so both assignments were returned today.    I'll put a completed analysis online soon that you can compare with your work.

Some of you need to let me know whether you'd prefer Extra Credit (0.5 pts) or 1S1P pts on the Surface Weather Map assignment (I haven't given you either at this point).  A few people asked for Green Cards on the Upper Level Chart assignment but missed too many questions - they were given extra credit instead (0.5 pts).

I'm planning to handout an In-class Optional Assignment on Friday.  If you don't have a Green Card yet, you'll have an opportunity to earn one then.

And here's today's picture of the day --- pigs.  They'll be in class on Friday also.

I also forgot, on Monday, to mention that CFL bulbs are more energy efficient than tungsten bulbs and last longer.  Even though they are a little more expensive than tungsten bulbs they are supposed to save you money in the long run.  They have one serious drawback however.  CFL bulbs contain mercury and should be disposed off properly.  Here's some information about disposal options in Pima County.  And here's some information about what you should do if you break a CFL bulb in your home (PDF file)

A side note.  Tungsten bulbs are apparently going to be banned by the Federal Govt. at some point.  The AZ Legislature recently passed a bill that would keep them legal in Arizona.  The bill was vetoed by Governor Brewer however.

And one last comment about CFL bulbs.  I recommended that you not use the low color temperature bulb indoors because the warm white color it produces seems, to me at least, gloomy and depressing.  After class a student commented "like Tucson at night."  Here's some followup information on that comment.

We have a few loose ends to finish up concerning the greenhouse effect.  In our simplified view of the greenhouse effect we assumed that 100% of the incoming sunlight passes through the atmosphere and reaches the ground (the green arrows in the figure below).

At the top of the earth's atmosphere on average, about 2 calories of sunlight pass through one square centimeter of area every minute.  In class on Monday we found that about 50% of the sunlight reaching the top of the atmosphere reaches the ground and gets absorbed.  This is what the Experiment #3 people will be trying to measure - the amount of energy in sunlight reaching the ground here in Tucson.  They should expect to get an answer of about 1 calorie/cm2 min.

The right hand side of the figure above is our simplified version of the greenhouse effect.  The pink arrow is IR radiation emitted by the ground that passes through the atmosphere and heads out into space.  The two red arrows are IR radiation that is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  The two blue arrows are IR radiation emitted by the atmosphere.

The figure below is a more realistic picture (it's on p. 72 in the photocopied ClassNotes)

This figure is pretty complicated.  It would be difficult to start with this figure and find the greenhouse effect in it.  That's why we started with a simplied version.  I've kept the same color scheme so that you identify the different parts of the picture.      Once you understand the upper figure, you should be able to find and understand the corresponding parts in the lower figure.

Two or three things to note in the bottom figure
(i)  First the ground receives more energy from the atmosphere (96 units) than it gets from the sun (51 units).  Part of the reason for this is that the sun just shines for part of the day.  We receive energy from the atmosphere 24 hours per day.

(ii)  The ground emits more energy (117 units) than it gets from the sun (51 units).  It is able to achieve energy balance because it also gets energy from the atmosphere (96 units). 

(iii)  The atmosphere emits 64 units upward and 96 units downward.  This might be explained by the lower atmosphere being warmer than higher up in the atmosphere.  Part of the explanation is also that there is more air in the bottom of the atmosphere (the air is denser) than near the top of the atmosphere. 

(iv) Note also the minor but necessary roles played by conduction & convection (7 units), and latent heat (23 units) energy transport at the left side of the bottom figure.  80% of the energy transported from the ground is done by electromagnetic radiation.  But the other transport processes are needed to bring the figure into energy balance.

Next we used our simplified representation of the greenhouse effect to understand the effects of clouds on daytime high and nighttime low temperatures.

Here's the simplified picture of radiative equilibrium again (you're probably getting pretty tired of seeing this).  The two pictures below show what happens at night when you remove the two green rays of incoming sunlight.

The picture on the left shows a clear night.  The ground is losing 3 arrows of energy and getting one back from the atmosphere.  That's a net loss of 2 arrows.  The ground cools rapidly and gets cold during the night.

A cloudy night is shown at right.  Notice the effect of the clouds.  Clouds are good absorbers of infrared radiation.  If we could see IR light, clouds would appear black, very different from what we are used to (because clouds also emit IR light, if we could see IR light the clouds might also glow).  Now none of the IR radiation emitted by the ground passes through the atmosphere into space.  It is all absorbed either by greenhouse gases or by the clouds.  Because the clouds and atmosphere are now absorbing 3 units of radiation they must emit 3 units: 1 goes upward into space, the other 2 downward to the ground.  There is now a net loss at the ground of only 1 arrow. 

The ground won't cool as quickly and won't get as cold on a cloudy night as it does on a clear night.  That makes for nice early morning bicycle rides this time of the year.

The next two figures compare clear and cloudy days.

Clouds are good reflectors of visible light (we see visible light and clouds appear white).  The effect of this is to reduce the amount of sunlight energy reaching the ground in the right picture.  With less sunlight being absorbed at the ground, the ground doesn't need to get as warm to be in energy balance.

It is generally cooler during the day on a cloudy day than on a clear day.
Clouds raise the nighttime minimum temperature and lower the daytime maximum temperature.  Here are some typical daytime high and nighttime low temperature values on clear and cloudy days for this time of the year. 

We'll use our simplified representation of radiative equilibrium to understand enhancement of the greenhouse effect and global warming.

The figure (p. 72c in the photocopied Class Notes) on the left shows energy balance on the earth without an atmosphere (or with an atmosphere that doesn't contain greenhouse gases).  The ground achieves energy balance by emitting only 2 units of energy to balance out what it is getting from the sun.  The ground wouldn't need to be very warm to do this.

If you add an atmosphere and greenhouse gases, the atmosphere will begin to absorb some of the outgoing IR radiation.  The atmosphere will also begin to emit IR radiation, upward into space and downard toward the ground.  After a period of adjustment you end up with a new energy balance.  The ground is warmer and is now emitting 3 units of energy even though it is only getting 2 units from the sun.  It can do this because it gets a unit of energy from the atmosphere.

In the right figure the concentration of greenhouse gases has increased even more (due to human activities).  The earth would find a new energy balance.  In this case the ground would be warmer and would be emitting 4 units of energy, but still only getting 2 units from the sun.  With more greenhouse gases, the atmosphere is now able to absorb 3 units of the IR emitted by the ground.  The atmosphere sends 2 back to the ground and 1 up into space.

The next figure shows a common misconception about the cause of global warming.

Many people know that sunlight contains UV light and that the ozone absorbs much of this dangerous type of high energy radiation.  People also know that release of chemicals such as CFCs are destroying stratospheric ozone and letting some of this UV light reach the ground.  That is all correct. 

They then conclude that it is this additional UV energy reaching the ground that is causing the globe to warm.  This is not correct.  There isn't much UV light in sunlight in the first place and the small amount of additional UV light reaching the ground won't be enough to cause global warming.  It will cause cataracts and skin cancer and those kinds of problems but not global warming.