ATMO/ECE 489/589 -
Atmospheric Electricity
Selected References
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+ "The
Art and Science of Lightning Protection," Martin A. Uman,
Cambridge University Press, 2008.
(paperback version 2010)
"Lightning: Physics and Effects," Vladimir Rakov and Martin A.
Cambridge University Press, 2003.
(paperback version with
corrections 2006)
x "The Lightning Flash," Ed. by Vernon Cooray,
IEE Press (London),
x "Lightning Physics and Lightning Protection,"
Eduard M. Bazelyn and
P. Raizer, IOP Publishing, Ltd., 2000.
* "The Electrical Nature of Storms," Donald R.
MacGorman and W. David
Rust, Oxford University Press, 1998.
* "The Lightning Discharge," Martin A. Uman, Academic
Press, 1987.
Reissued by Dover Publications
Inc., 2001.
* "The Earth's Electrical Environment,"
National Academy of
Sciences, 1986.
(available online at
and Its Spectrum," Leon E. Salanave, Univ. Az. Press, 1980.
* "Lightning," Vol. 1: Physics of Lightning, Vol. 2:
Protection, ed. by R. H. Golde, Academic Press, 1977.
* "Lightning Protection," R. H. Golde,
Edward Arnold, London, 1973. Reprinted by CRC Press,
* "Atmospheric Electricity," H. Israel,
Vol. I, Fundamentals
Conducitivity, Ions
Vol. II, Fields, Charges Currents
Translated from German by the National Science Foundation, 1971
and 1973.
* "Lightning," Martin A. Uman, McGraw Hill Book
Co., New York,
Reissued by Dover Publications,
Inc., New York, 1984.
* "Atmospheric Electricity," J. A.
Chalmers, 2nd ed., Pergamon Press,
London, 1967.
* "The Flight of Thunderbolts," Sir Basil Schonland,
2nd ed., Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1964.
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