Homework Assignments

- Homework #5 (html format)
- Homework #5 (WORD format)
- Global Warming Essay
- Due in class on Tuesday, December 2, 2008
- You may want read over the information contained in the links below before writing
your paper.
- Global Warming
Summary Sheet
- Common
Attitudes Toward Global Warming

- Homework #4 (html format)
- Homework #4 (WORD format)
- Severe Weather Paper
- Due in class
on Thursday, November 6, 2008
Some hints/reminders about the paper:
- Make sure you follow the guidelines on content. Introduce your selected
location and briefly describe the typical climate and mention types of severe weather that occur
in the first paragraph.
Then discuss
a single severe event in more detail (most of the rest of the paper).
- Choose a small geographical area, like a city. It is actually more difficult
to write about a larger area.
- If you choose the suggested topic, then you do not need to write about the science
behind the severe weather, i.e., this is not a technical paper. Do not try to incorporate
material that we covered in class into your paper.
- Make sure you write about weather disasters, not other natural
disasters such as Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, etc.
- This is a short paper. Write concisely. Do not unnecessarily repeat yourself.
- There will be little tolerance for spelling and grammar errors. I suggest
that beside using a spell checker that you also have a trusted friend read over
your paper before you turn it in. If necessary, you may want to work with
a writing tutor.

- Extra Credit Assignment (html format)
- Extra Credit Assignment (WORD format)
- Weather Map Analysis
- Due in class day on Tuesday, October 28, 2008
- This assignment will be worth about half as much as the previous two homeworks
and will be counted as extra credit toward your homework grade. Please only
turn in your write-ups; do not turn in printed copies of the maps or the
instructions for doing the assignment.
- Below are links to the maps that you need to complete the assignment.
- Forecast 500mb Maps:
48 hour (2 day) forecast map valid for 00Z Thursday, October 16
120 hour (5 day) forecast map valid for 00Z Sunday, October 19
216 hour (9 day) forecast map valid for 00Z Thursday, October 23
- True 500mb Maps (Maps will be placed here as they become available):
True 500 mb map at 00Z Thursday, October 16
True 500 mb map at 00Z Sunday, October 19
True 500 mb map at 00Z Thursday, October 23
- Average 500 mb height maps:
October 500 mb height climatology (long-term average)
- Examples of forecast discussions for maps below:
500 mb map for 00Z Tuesday, January 27, 2004
500 mb map for 00Z Wednesday, February 4, 2004
February 500 mb height climatology (long-term average)
- Sample write-ups for part I of homework

- Homework#3 (html format)
- Homework#3 (WORD format)
- Cloud and Stability Problems
- Due in class Thursday, October 16, 2008
- Skew-T diagram for problem #3

- Homework#2 (html format)
- Homework#2 (WORD format)
- Atmospheric Vertical Structure, Humidity, Dewpoint, and Human Comfort Problems
- Due in class Tuesday, September 23, 2008
- fig2a. Skew-T diagram for problem #2
- fig2b. Skew-T diagram for problem #2
- Saturation Mixing Ratio Table
in Fahrenheit

- Homework#1
- Fill out the ATMO336 Webpage registration form. Please select
the section for which you are registered:
- Section 1 (TR 9:30 - 10:45)
Due Thursday, September 4, 2008
- Section 2 (TR 12:30 - 1:45)
Due Thursday, September 4, 2008
