X Jordan Abelson #32 X Mahmood Alrashdi X Davis Baker #80 X Christopher Bennett #18 X James Berkley #68 X Briana Bracamonte #88 X Kristen Canada #44 X Maddy Cook #60 #30, #50 returned |
X Courtney Ek #42 X Kaylie Gomez #76 X Katie Gordon #52 X Kendra Gossel #16 X Jayla Grieb #12 X Jacob Haebe #78 X Noor Haki #4 X Jack Halbert #48 X Kayla Kinsey #54 X Kyle Klein #94 |
X Chelsey Levin #24 Dennis Madigan X Jesse Mickle #66 X Abdulmajed Mohammed #62 X Isaac Montano #5 X Alexandru Muntean #6 X Mariah Nunes #96 X Hannah Phillips #28 X Stefanie Pyferoen #82 |
X Jadyn Reddy #70 X Kyle Richie #74 X Hannah Roth #88 X Anthony Ruggiero #72 X Adam Salcido #100 X Joseph Solaro #98 Bailey Wheeler X Julie Zukaitis #86 |
The experiment
doesn't take very long to complete, but it does require sunny
weather without wind. Don't wait until the last minute to
collect the data you don't know what the weather will be
like. Here's a little more
information about the experiment.
thermometer might have a separated column. If so, see
these special