Supertyphoon Haiyan
Intensity: 170 kt / 895 hPa

ATMO 580: Tropical Meteorology

Fall 2013

MWF 1:00-1:50 pm, PAS 488


Monday, Oct 28

A review problem set for midterm 2 has been posted along with sample
answers. Note that the set is not comprehensive but gives you an idea of
the scope and range of problems.

Archive of Announcements

Course Description:

An introduction to the fundamentals of meteorology in the tropics. Topics include tropical climatology; large-scale circulations and the role of the tropics in the general circulation; monsoons; seasonal, interannual; and decadal variations; tropical clouds and precipitation processes; tropical cyclones and other disturbances.

Western North Pacific Western North Pacific Western North Pacific

Western North Pacific: STY Haiyan (MW)

Western North Pacific: STY Haiyan (VIS)

Western North Pacific: STY Haiyan (IR)


Professor Liz Ritchie
Phone: 626-7843
Office: Physics and Atmospheric Sciences (PAS) Building, Room 570
Office Hours: Tues/Wed 10:00am-11:00am

Updated 6 August 2013