Lecture Material
State of the Tropics
Review Sets
Cool Links
ATMO 580: Tropical Meteorology
Links to Useful Tools:
Skew T - Ln P Chart
Useful links to weather stuff:
The National Hurricane Center's Primary Website
The Japan Meteorological Agency Tropical Cyclone Webpage
Naval Research Laboratory -- Monterey TC Page
CIMSS TC Page - for satellite winds, TC and global imagery etc...
CIMSS Global Precipitable Water imagery loop
NHC - Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology's climate monitoring page
The CAWCR Multivariate MJO Index
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology's ENSO site
Source of weather maps, sattelite imagery, etc...
Univ. of Wyoming (used for sounding data)
Tucson National Weather Service Office
UA Atmospheric Science Dept weather conditions
NOAA Climate Prediction Center, Washington DC
NOAA Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder CO
Univ. of Utah list of atmospheric websites
NOAA NCEP Nomad3 server