What can you begin to learn about the
weather once you've draw isobars on a surface weather map and
revealed the pressure pattern?
1a. Surface centers of low pressure
We'll start with the large nearly circular centers of High
and Low pressure. Low pressure is drawn below. These
figures are more neatly drawn versions of what we did in class.
Air will start moving toward
low pressure (like a rock sitting on a hillside that starts to
roll downhill), then something called the Coriolis force will
cause the wind to start to spin (don't worry about the
Coriolis force at this point, we'll learn more about it later
in the semester).
In the northern hemisphere winds spin in a counterclockwise
(CCW) direction around surface low pressure centers. The
winds also spiral inward toward the center of the low, this is
called convergence. [winds spin clockwise around low
pressure centers in the southern hemisphere but still spiral
inward, we won't worry about the southern hemisphere until
later in the semester]
When the converging air reaches the center of the low it starts
to rise.
causes air to rise (1 of 4 ways)
air e-x-p-a-n-d-s
(it moves into lower pressure surroundings at
higher altitude)
The expansion causes the air to cool
If you cool moist air enough
(to or below its dew point temperature)
can form
is 1 of 4 ways of causing air to rise (we'll learn
what the rest are soon, and, actually, you already know what
one of them is - warm air rises, that's called convection). You often see
cloudy skies and stormy weather associated with surface low
1b. Surface centers of high
Everything is pretty much the exact
opposite in the case of surface high pressure.
Winds spin clockwise (counterclockwise in the
southern hemisphere) and spiral outward. The outward
motion is called divergence.
Air sinks in the center of surface high pressure to
replace the diverging air. The sinking air is
compressed and warms. This keeps clouds from forming
so clear skies are normally found with high pressure.
Clear skies doesn't necessarily mean warm weather, strong
surface high pressure often forms when the air is very
Divergence causes air to sink
sinking air is compressed and warms
warming air keeps clouds from forming - clear skies
Here's a picture summarizing what we've
learned so far. It's a slightly different view of wind
motions around surface highs and low that tries to combine
all the key features in as simple a sketch as possible.
2. Strong and
weak pressure gradients - fast or slow winds
The pressure pattern will also tell you something about
where you might expect to find fast or slow winds. In
this case we look for regions where the isobars are either
closely spaced together or widely spaced. I handed out a
replacement for p. 40c in the ClassNotes (don't throw p. 40c
A picture of a hill is shown above at left. The map at
upper right is a topographic map that depicts the hill
(the numbers on the contour lines are altitudes). A
center of high pressure on a weather map, the figure
at the bottom, has the same overall appearance. The
numbers on the contours are different. These are
contours (isobars) of pressure values in millibars.
Closely spaced contours on a topographic map indicate a steep
slope. More widely spaced contours mean the slope is
more gradual. If you roll a rock downhill on
a steep slope it will roll more quickly than if it is on a
gradual slope. A rock will always roll downhill, away
from the summit in this case toward the outer edge of the
topographic map. Air will always start to move toward
low pressure
On a weather map, closely spaced contours (isobars) means
pressure is changing rapidly with distance. This is
known as a strong pressure gradient and produces fast winds (a
30 knot wind blowing from the SE is shown in the orange shaded
region above). Widely spaced isobars indicate a weaker
pressure gradient and the winds would be slower (the 10 knot
wind blowing from the NW in the figure).
Winds spin counterclockwise and spiral inward around low
pressure centers. The fastest winds are again found
where the contour lines are close together and the pressure
gradient is strongest.
Contour spacing
spaced isobars = strong pressure gradient
(big change in pressure with distance) - fast
widely spaced isobars = weak
pressure gradient (small change in
pressure with distance) - slow winds
This figure below is also on
the In-class Optional Assignment.
You should be able to sketch in the
direction of the wind at each of the three points and
determine where the fastest and slowest winds would be
found. (you'll find the answer at the end of today's notes).
Once you know which directions the winds are blowing you
should be able to say whether the air at each of the points
would be warmer or colder than normal.
3. Temperature patterns and fronts
pressure pattern causes the wind to start to blow; the
wind then can affect and change the temperature
The figure below shows the temperature pattern you would
expect to see if the wind wasn't blowing at all or if the
wind was just blowing straight from west to east. The
bands of different temperature are aligned parallel to the
lines of latitude. Temperature changes from south to
north but not from west to east.
This picture gets a
little more interesting if you put centers of high or low
pressure in the middle.
In the case of high
pressure, the clockwise spinning winds move warm air to the
north on the western side of the High. The front edge
of this northward moving air is shown with a dotted line (at
Pt. W) in the picture above. Cold air moves toward the
south on the eastern side of the High (another dotted line
at Pt. C, it's a little hard to distinguish between the blue
and green in the picture). The diverging winds also
move the warm and cold air away from the center of the
High. Now you would experience a change in temperature
if you traveled from west to east across the center of the
The transition from warm to cold along the boundaries
(Pts. W and C) is spread out over a fairly long distance and
is gradual. This is because the winds around high
pressure diverge and blow outward away from the center of
high pressure. There is also some mixing of the
different temperature air along the boundaries.
Counterclockwise winds move cold air toward the south on the
west side of the Low. Warm air advances toward the north
on the eastern side of the low. This is just the
opposite of what we saw with high pressure.
The converging winds in the case of low pressure will move
the air masses of different temperature in toward the center
of low pressure. The transition zone between different
temperature air gets squeezed and compressed. The change
from warm to cold occurs in a shorter distance and is sharper
and more distinct. Solid lines have been used to
delineate the boundaries above. These sharper and more abrupt
boundaries are called fronts (there are additional
meteorological processes that help to create fronts).
Warm and cold fronts, middle latitude storms (aka
extratropical cyclones)
A cold front is drawn at the front edge of the southward
moving mass of cold air on the west side of the Low. Cold
fronts are generally drawn in blue on a surface weather
map. The small triangular symbols on the side of the front
identify it as a cold front and show what direction it is
A warm front (drawn in red with half circle symbols) is shown
on the right hand side of the map at front edge of the northward
moving mass of. A warm front is usually drawn in red and
has half circles on one side of the front to identify it and
show its direction of motion.
The fronts are like spokes on a wheel. The
"spokes" will spin counterclockwise around the low pressure
center (the axle).
Both types of fronts cause rising air motions.
Fronts are another way of causing air to rise. That's
important because rising air expands and cools. If the air
is moist and cools enough, clouds can form.
The storm system shown in the picture above (the Low together
with the fronts) is referred to a middle latitude storm or an
extra-tropical cyclone. Extra-tropical means outside the
tropics, cyclone means winds spinning around low pressure
(tornadoes are sometimes called cyclones, so are
hurricanes). These storms form at middle latitudes because
that is where air masses coming from the polar regions to the
north and the more tropical regions to the south can collide.
Large storms that form in the tropics (where this mostly just
warm air) are called tropical cyclones or, in our part of the
world, hurricanes.
This is as far as we were able to
get in class today. I've moved the material on the 3-D
structure of cold fronts to the Tue., Sept. 25 notes.
Here is the answer to a question about
Pressures lower than 1002 mb are colored purple.
Pressures between 1002 and 1004 mb are blue. Pressures
between 1004 and 1006 mb are green and pressures greater than
1006 mb are red. The isobar appearing in the question is
highlighted yellow and is the 1004 mb isobar. The 1002
mb and 1006 mb isobars have also been drawn in (because
isobars are drawn at 4 mb intervals starting at 1000 mb, the
1002 mb and 1006 mb isobars wouldn't normally be drawn on a
Here is the answer to a question about
wind direction and wind speed.
Winds from the NNW at 20 knots at
Point #1, SSE winds at 30 knots at Point #2 (the fastest
winds), and NW winds at 10 knots at Point #3.
The southerly winds in the middle of the picture at
Point #2 would probably be the warmest (because they are
coming from the south)
You would find colder air coming from the north at
Points #2 and #3.