ATMO 441b/541b: Dynamic Meteorology II
Spring 2013
M/W/F 11:00a-11:50p, PAS 448
Course Goals:
To understand the dynamics and thermodynamics of various atmospheric phenomena associated with weather and climateAnnouncements:
Wednesday, Jan 2
The class website is up and functional
Professor Liz Ritchie
Phone: 626-7843
Office: Physics and Atmospheric Sciences (PAS) Building, Room 570
Office Hours: Wednesday and Thursday mornings
Grading Policy:
Graduates: Homework (25%, the assignment with the lowest score is excluded for averaging),
Class Project (15%), and Midterm and Final (closed-book) tests (35% for
the higher score and 25% for the other).
Undergraduates: Homework (40%, the assignment with the lowest score is excluded for
averaging), and Midterm and Final (closed-book) tests (35%, for the higher score and 25% for the other).
Required Textbook:
An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology (James R. Holton, 2004, Elsevier Academic Press, 535pp)
ATMO 541a or consent of instructor
Before lecture: Read the relevant Chapter
During lecture: Actively ask and answer questions
After lecture: Read the relevant Chapter and do homework
Final Examination:
10:30-12:30 Monday May 6 2013