ATMO 441b/541b: Dynamic Meteorology II

Lecture Notes:

Project: Review Topics

Please choose a topic you would like to pursue - this is a literature review,
but you are welcome to try numerical experiments to support/reject the
information you find in the papers.
I expect you to read at least 3 (but don't go overboard!) papers on the topic.
They should represent a balanced viewpoint on the topic.

The deliverable is a 6-page single-spaced report (including abstract and bibliography,
but not including figures, which should be added at the end of the report in numerical
order of appearance in the report. The report is due to me in class on Friday April 26.

The results of any numerical experiment you might choose to do, should be added in
as an appendix that does not count toward the 6 pages.

1. The role of midlatitude baroclinic eddies in energy transfer from equator to pole

- Sam Silva/Alejandro Martinez-Agudelo

2. The development and downstream impacts of mountain waves

- Megan Jares/Matthew King

3. The role of hurricanes in the maintenance of the general circulation

- Arelis Rivera

4. The role of Rossby energy dispersion in the downstream development of midlatitude weather systems
5. The scientific justification for, and impact of, a poleward shift of the midlatitude storm track on the general circulation in a warming world

- Todd Hunter

6. Physical mechanisms for the repeated development of cold season cut-off lows along the west coast of North America

- Lindsay Maudlin

7. The scientific justification for, and impact of, a poleward shift of the midlatitude storm track on the general circulation in a warming world 8. What are the main impacts, including physical mechanisms, of a warming world on the general circulation?

- Suzy Stillman