#3 results
Average -51 (70%)
% grade = 100% x (170 - pts missed)/170
Quiz #2 results
Average -49 (72.5%)
% grade = 100% x (165 - pts missed)/160
Quiz #1 results
Average -58 (70%)
%grade = 100% x (190 - pts missed)/190
Practice Quiz results
Average -57 (65%)
% grade = 100% x (165 - pts missed)/165
can download copies of all of this semester's
quizzes using the links below
(at least 3 questions from each quiz will appear
on this semester's Final Exam)
Practice Quiz
Quiz #1
Quiz #2
Quiz #3
Quiz #4
Final Exam Study Outline
Quiz #4 Study Guide
Quiz #3 Study Guide
Quiz #2 Study Guide
Quiz #1 Study Guide
Practice Quiz Study Guide
Images of Hurricane
Harvey captured with the new GOES-16 satellite as it
approached the Texas coast (from the Cooperative Institute for
Meteorological Satellite Studies at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center).
The New York Times has a good
overview of their coverage of the storm.
If you purchased one of the "older" sets of ClassNotes in the
Bookstore before the start of classes rather than the "revised"
version of the packet available now, you can pick a small "page
replacement packet" from the people in Fast Copy (I'll also have a
few copies of the packet in class). Here's a guide to show you
which pages to remove and what to insert in their place.