Delegation Activities

20 May - 26 May, 2002
Wind erosion field tour to Lanzhou.
The U.S. delegation visited areas of wind erosion and desertification. The delegation traveled west from Yangling to Zhongwei to Shapotou (the Desert Research Experiment Station) to Lanzhou (the Laboratory of Blown Sand Physics and Desert Environments) and along the Hexi Corridor, the Gobi desert, and the Jiayuguan Pass to Dunhuang and the surrounding area. Following the field study, the delegation went to Beijing for further meetings (May 27-30) with several government ministries, the U.S. Embassy, and participated in the International Soil Conservation Organization conference.

20 May, 2002
Official opening of the Centers in Yangling, Shaanxi Province, China.

16 May - 17 May, 2002
A U.S. Delegation, including ARS National Program Staff, took part in a "Grassland" meeting in Lanzhou, Gansu Province. Chinese officials and scientists from Gansu and Xinjiang Provinces began developing a joint study of grassland science and grassland sustainability with USDA-ARS. Logistics were arranged by Zhibao Dong of the Lanzhou Laboratory who also led the Wind Erosion tour that followed the center opening.

22 April - 23 April, 2002
A China delegation visited ARS Headquarters in Beltsville and Washington, the ARS laboratory, and Colorado State University at Fort Collins, CO from 25-26 April 2002. Sari Soderstrom from the World Bank, Team Task Leader for the China Gansu and Xinjiang Pastoral Development Project and Scott Christiansen, USDA-ARS-OIRP, organized these meetings.

23 October - 2 November, 2001
The Joint Organizing Committee met in Tucson, Arizona and Washington D.C. A Letter of Intent was signed for the creation of the Centers. A full summary of the trip, including a copy of the letter, is available in PDF format (Requires Acrobat Reader)

21 April - 8 May, 2001
A U.S. Delegation met with Chinese collaborators in Beijing, P.R.C. A full summary of the trip is available in PDF format (Requires Acrobat Reader)



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Last updated November, 2005
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