Principal Research Themes

Sedimentation Processes
Understand and predict the processes of wind, water, and gravity erosion, sediment transport, and deposition as they affect landscape stability, water quantity, air and water quality, agriculture and the environment. Scales range from farm fields to entire river basins.

Analyze and evaluate the interactions among climate and plant responses, soil erosional processes, and environmental quality. Research includes local, regional and global scales.

Soil, Water, and Environmental Conservation
Assess the social, economic, and environmental factors that influence effective management for sustaining soil, water and environmental resources. Research includes use of decision-support tools to predict the potential consequences of various management options.

Watershed Ecosystems
Examine watershed ecosystems to: (a) identify and model selected physical, chemical, and biological attributes of ecosystems, (b) select the indicators of watershed ecosystem health, and (c) determine the susceptibility of watersheds to climate variability.

Agriculture and Environment
Understand and predict watershed productivity and water resource capacity affected by land use, vegetative cover and climate—and develop farming practices for semiarid lands to maximize water use efficiency and agricultural production while minimizing adverse local and off-site environmental impacts. Research includes demonstration projects—vegetation restoration, for example—that exploit adapted plant resources and emerging technology.

Information Services and Technology Transfer
Assemble, manage and publish data and information resources for research, education and public service.


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Last updated December 8, 2002
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