Climate Assessment for the Southwest  

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You know its hot and dry, but what are the other important climate issues facing the Southwest? These pages are designed to provide an overview of Southwestern climate features and introduce other topics of interest.

For more detailed information on how CLIMAS is addressing many of these topics, be sure to check out the research section of our site.


Learn About Southwest Climate

Climate Information

The Climate of the Southwest
A summary of the current state of knowledge concerning the climate of the Southwest.

Southwest Climate in a Nutshell: A Tool for Ranchers
An overview of the climate features of the Southwest geared for ranchers. Includes information on
the seasonal cycle, year-to-year variability, and climate forecasting.

PDO Overview
The PDO or "Pacific Decadal Oscillation" is a longer-scale climate pattern that correlates with wetter or drier periods in the Western United States. Some climatologists believe that a shift in the PDO began around 1995, possibly causing drier conditions in the Southwest.

Background Articles
The Southwest Climate Outlook provides monthly feature articles on drought, floods, tropical storms, monsoon, long-term climate patterns and other topics relevant to the Southwest.

Glossary of Climate Terms
Definitions for common terms used in climate forecasts.


Drought and Climate in Arizona: Top Ten Questions and Answers
This 23-page report outlines several questions frequently asked of CLIMAS researchers about Arizona's longterm drought and climate. It is available in pdf format. [736K]


Overview of Fire Research
This summary introduces the links between fire and climate and discusses the history of fire research.


Forecasting in the Southwest: An Introduction
An overview of the different types of weather and climate forecasts and how they can be used effectively.

Water Resources

Colorado River Basin Water Issues
A presentation on the challenges facing the Colorado River Basin, including water shortages, growing demand, flooding, deteriorating water quality, and management issues.

© 2003 Arizona Board of Regents. CLIMAS is part of the Institute for the Study of Planet Earth at the University of Arizona.
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