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contact Gregg Garfin, (520) 622-9016.
and Proceedings
Fire & Climate Workshop Proceedings
Includes summaries from the 2001 fire-climate workshops, Fire and Climate
2001 (convened February 14-16, 2001) and Fire and Climate in the Southwest
2001 (convened March 28, 2001).
Assessment of Climate Vulnerability in the Middle San Pedro River
Timothy J. Finan and Colin West (editors)
Report #CL3-00, August 2000
Examination of Arizona Water Law and Policy from the Perspective of
Climate Impacts
Rebecca H. Carter and Barbara J. Morehouse
Report #CL2-01, November 2001
the Sensitivity of the Southwest's Urban Water Sector to Climate Variability:
Case Studies in Arizona
Rebecca H. Carter, Petra Tschakert, and Barbara J. Morehouse
Report #CL1-00, March 2000
Partnerships with Native Americans in Climate-Related Research and Outreach
Diane Austin, Sherri Gerlack, and Carolyn Smith
Report #CL2-00, November 2000
Ranching Case Study: Year 1
Julie Conley, Hallie Eakin, Thomas E. Sheridan, and Diana Hadley
Report #CL3-99, September 1999
and Urban Water Providers in Arizona: An Analysis of Vulnerability Perceptions
and Climate Information
Rebecca H. Carter and Barbara J. Morehouse
Report #CL1-03, July 2003
Climate of the Southwest
Paul R. Sheppard, Andrew C. Comrie, Gregory D. Packin, Kurt Angersbach,
and Malcolm K. Hughes
Report #CL1-99, December 1999
in Indian Country: Two Case Studies in the Southwestern United States
Diane Austin & Barbara Wolf
Report #CL1-01, October 2001
to Climate Variability in the Farming Sector
Marcela Vasquez-Leon, Colin Thor West, Barbara Wolf, Jane Moody, and Timothy
J. Finan
Report #CL1-02, December 2002
Climate, and Hydrologic Forecasting for the Southwest U.S.
Holly C. Hartmann, Roger Bales, and Soroosh Sorooshian
Report #CL2-99, October 1999
The Southwest
Climate Outlook provides monthly feature articles on drought, floods,
tropical storms, monsoon, long-term climate patterns and other topics
relevant to the Southwest.
Our quarterly
newsletter, CLIMAS Update, features articles on CLIMAS research
projects, as well as updates on our latest activities. You can subscribe
online to begin receiving free print copies.
2004, Vol. 7 No. 1. Newsletter available in (pdf, 308K)
This issue features an article desribing how two CLIMAS researchers
are discovering more about how climate variability effects home buying
decisions made by ranchers, homebuyers, and other stakeholders. There
is also a detailed update on CLIMAS activities.
2003, Vol. 6 No. 4 (pdf, 457K)
This issue features an article on how researchers are working to improve
snowpack prediction, as well as an update on CLIMAS activities.
2003, Vol. 6 No. 2-3 (pdf, 574K)
This issue includes two articles as well as several CLIMAS updates.
The first article discusses variability and trends in air quality
in Southwestern cities. The second article assesses the accuracy of
streamflow forecasts.
2003, Vol. 6 No. 1 (pdf, 457K)
Includes a research report about our climate vulnerability assessment
of irrigated agriculture in southeastern Arizona.
2002, Vol. 5 No. 2 (pdf, 184K)
Includes details about our new El Niño-Drought Initiative and
the revamped CLIMAS web site.
2002, Vol. 5 No. 1 (pdf, 751K)
Includes a research report on streamflow forecasts, summary from the
Fire in the West workshop, and information on a possible El Niño
in 2002
2002, Vol. 4 No. 4 (pdf, 751K)
This double issue includes a research report on Arizona's cattle industry
and climate variability, information about CLIMAS product rollout
and evaluation, and several news items about CLIMAS workshops and
2001, Vol. 4 No. 2 (pdf, 751K)
Includes articles on reconstructing Southwest precipitation and CLIMAS
research on fire in Indian Country.
2001, Vol. 4 No. 1 (pdf, 131K)
Includes a research report on the predicting valley fever incidence
and information about our 2001 fire and climate workshops.
2001, Vol. 3 No. 3-4 (pdf, 116K)
Includes a research update on monsoon forecasting, information about
our community assessment in the Sulphur Springs Valley, a report from
our forecast evaluation workshop.
2000, Vol. 3 No. 1-2 (pdf, 125K)
Includes a research report on Southwest forecasts Assessment and information
from our climate and wildfire workshop.