and Climate in Arizona: Top Ten Questions and Answers [April 26,
This 23-page report outlines several questions frequently asked of CLIMAS
researchers about Arizona's longterm drought and climate. It is available
in pdf format. [736K]
Update April 2004, Vol. 7 No. 1. Newsletter available in pdf. [308
Mapping Pages [March 9, 2004]
These pages provide an overview of research undertaken by CLIMAS researchers
to derive forecasts using hydrologic models that consider the spatial
variability of snowpack. Researchers are developing spatially distributed
snow water equivalent products that can give estimates of future runoff
almost as quickly as snow cover conditions change.
Climate Outlook April 2004 [April 22, 2004]
Climate Information Packets [April 22, 2004]
PDF versions of information found in our Southwest Climate Outlook.
Proceedings [February 11, 2004]
The 2004 National Seasonal Assessment Workshop: Eastern and Southern
States meeting was an important step in a long-term process to develop
tools for proactive fire management. The workshop, held January 27-29,
2004, brought together climatologists, predictive service units, and
fire managers from across the eastern half of the country to produce
seasonal fire outlook reports. [pdf, 438 KB]
Opportunities Database [January 23, 2004]
ISPE periodically researches sources of grant money, fellowships, awards,
and other funding opportunities from both within the University of Arizona
community and outside sources.
and Seminars Database [January 16, 2004]
ISPE provides a list of global-change related seminars to help foster
interdisciplinary interaction between faculty, students, and departments
across campus. The list includes both ISPE-events and those sponsored
by our affiliated departments.
Research Associates Directory [January 15, 2004]
The directory is an alphabetical list of graduate students that are
working on CLIMAS research projects. Each listing includes a short biography
and contact information that is updated periodically.
Travel Awards [January 6, 2004]
Provides up to $500 in funding for graduate students to travel to meetings,
conferences, or symposia where they will present their research.
Proceedings [November 20, 2003]
The first annual National Seasonal Assessment Workshop, held February
25-28, 2003, brought together climatologists, predictive service units,
and fire managers from across the country to produce seasonal fire outlook
reports. [pdf file, 1.2 MB]
Past Climate in the Southwest [October 15, 2003]
These pages provide an overview of work completed by CLIMAS associates
in the UA's Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research to reconstruct cool-season
precipitation from tree-ring records in Arizona and New Mexico.
Precipitation Data [October 15, 2003]
This product provides both reconstructed and instrumental cool-season
precipitation data for climate divisions in Arizona and New Mexico
and Urban Water Providers in Arizona: An Analysis of Vulnerability Perceptions
and Climate Information [August 20, 2003]
Rebecca H. Carter and Barbara J. Morehouse, CLIMAS Report Series CL1-03
Vulnerability Mapping of the Southwest [July 28, 2003]
This factsheet
provides an overview of CLIMAS' work to create vulnerability maps that
incorporate ethnographic and socioeconomic data into a spatial framework.
[pdf file, 1.8 MB]