Table of Contents
Atmospheric Electricity Lecture Notes
Tue., Apr. 30 - Potpourri of
topics: ball lightning, volcanic lightning, planetary lightning,
X-ray emissions from lightning
reading - Ground based optical measurements of lightning
Thu., Apr. 25 - Satellite
observations of lightning, high-altitude transient luminous events
(sprites, blue jets & elves)
Tue., Apr. 23 - Lightning location
of VHF sources using time of arrival and interferometry
Thu., Apr. 18 - Lightning detection
& location at VLF/LF using magnetic direction finding &
time of arrival
Tue., Apr. 16 - All lightning reaching the ground is the same,
only different; Why do we detect and locate lightning?
Thu., Apr. 11 - Lightning
spectroscopy, thunder
Tue., Apr. 09 - Lightning
protection pt. 2 - electronics, lightning spectroscopy
Thu., Apr. 04 - Lightning
protection pt. 1 - structures
Tue., Apr. 02 - The nearest
neighbor probability function
Thu., Mar. 28 - Experimental test
of the transmission line model
Tue., Mar. 26 - Lightning return
stroke current models
Thu., Mar. 21 - Lightning currents
Tue., Mar. 19 - Lightning
phenomenology Pt. 2, rocket triggered lightning
Thu., Mar. 7 - Lightning
phenomenology Pt. 1
Tue., Mar. 5 - Midterm Exam
Thu., Feb. 28 - Midterm Exam review
Tue., Feb. 26 - The Maxwell current
Thu., Feb. 21 - Locations and
amounts of charge neutralized by intracloud and cloud to ground
lightning discharges
Tue., Feb. 19 - Cloud
electrification processes
Thu., Feb. 14 - Small ion to
particle attachment
Tue., Feb. 12 - Cosmic rays and
small ion balance equations
Thu., Feb. 7 - Cloud screening
layers, small ions and sources of atmospheric ionization
Tue., Feb. 5 - Ion counters and
conductivity meters
Thu., Jan. 31 - ATMO Seminar "On the Incidence and Behavior of
Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in Complex Terrain:
Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountains, and the Ozarks"
Tue., Jan. 29 - Measurements of
E fields in clouds, current density, mobility, conductivity,
continuity equation
Thu., Jan. 24 - Fast and Slow E
field antennas, conducting sphere in a uniform E field, E field
Tue., Jan. 22 - Electrostatics
review pt. 2: electrostatic potential, Poisson's and Laplace's
equations; electric field mills
Thu., Jan. 17 - Electrostatics
review pt. 1: Coulomb's law, electric field, Gauss' law, E field
at the surface of a conductor
Tue., Jan. 15 - The electrical
experiments of Benjamin Franklin
Thu., Jan. 10 - First day of
class, global electric circuit