Lecture Summaries

Lecture summaries are bulleted outlines of the topics discussed in each lecture. Some of the figures used during lecture will also be placed here. Prior to the actual lecture, the summary includes what I plan to cover during lecture for that day. Lecture summaries will be updated after each lecture to indicate what was actually covered for that day. Keep in mind that the summaries provide only an outline for the topics discussed, not the details. Reading lecture summaries should not be used as a substitute for coming to lecture and taking notes.
Assigned Reading
Lecture Summaries
Review Questions

January 2008

14 15 16
1st day of class
17 18
Lecture Outline
Surface air pressure figure
MLK Day -- No classes
22 23
Lecture Outline
24 25
Lecture Outline
Atmospheric Composition Table Air Density
HW #1 Due
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Air Pressure Atmospheric Layers
29 30
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Atmospheric Layers 500 mb height figure(1)
500 mb height figure(2)

February 2008

Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Geostrophic Winds
Annimation for Coriolis Effect
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Gradient Winds Figure 6.20
HW #2 Due
5 6
Quiz #1
7 8
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Figure 6.20 Figure 6.22
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Shortwave figure Air Mass Table US Air Mass Source Regions
12 13
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Cold front figure Warm front figure
Cold front Table (8.2) Cold-type occlusion
14 15
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Cold-type occlusion Warm-type occlusion
Cyclogenesis (fig. 8.23) Figure 8.28
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Figure 8.28 Current and Forecast Jet Stream
3-D Midlatitude Weather
19 20
Quiz #2
21 22
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Link to Ensemble Forecasts
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Conduction Table 2.1
Thermals HW #3 Due
26 27
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Hydrological Cycle Saturation Vapor Pressure
Air Parcel
28 29
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)

March 2008

Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Heat Index Table
4 5
HW #4 Due
Quiz #3
6 7
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Surface heating/free convection
Orographic lifting Rising parcel
11 12
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
T'storm life cycle
13 14
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
T'storm life cycle Multi-cell thunderstorms
Spring Break
18 19
Spring Break
20 21
Spring Break
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Multi-cell thunderstorms Tilted Updrafts
Figure 10.15 Supercell figures
25 26
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Current cloud-to-ground lightning
Medical Aspects of Lightning strikes
27 28
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Figure 10.34 Figure 10.35
Figure 10.38 Figure 10.36
Figure 10.27 Figure 10.29
Tornado lifecycle video
US all tornadoes US violent tornadoes
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Link to EF scale

April 2008

  1 2
HW #5 Due
Quiz #4
3 4
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Easterly Wave Picture Easterly Wave Annimation
African Waves Figure 11.10
Saffir-Simpson Scale
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Figure 11.2 Figure 11.3
Atlantic hurricane tracks (1851-2006)
Errors in forecast position
8 9
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
YouTube video of Katrina from Mississippi
All major landfalling Hurricanes
Figure 11.25
10 11
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
All major landfalling Hurricanes
Figure 11.25
EM Spectrum figure
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Figure 2.8 Figure 2.9
15 16
Quiz #5
17 18
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Figure 15.1 Figure 15.2
Figure 15.4 Figure 15.7
Figure 15.8 Figure 2.19
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Animation for summer solstice
Animation for winter solstice
Table 2.3
22 23
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Animation for summer solstice
Animation for winter solstice
Table 2.3 Figure 2.24
Figure 2.18
24 25
Lecture Outline (WORD)
Lecture Outline (html)
Figure 2.15 Figure 2.16 Figure 2.17
HW #6 Due
29 30
Quiz #6

May 2008

      1 2
No Class
Review for final Exam
6 7
Review for final Exam
Last Day of Class
8 9
Final Exam
Section 31: (11:00-1:00)
12 13 14 15 16
Final Exam
Section 32: (8:00-10:00)