Handouts and web links
1. Review of Governing Equations and Balances:
Geostrophic balance [North America || Western Hemisphere || Eastern Hemisphere]
Thermal wind balance [North America || Western Hemisphere || Eastern Hemisphere]
Ageostrophic wind [North America || Western Hemisphere || Eastern Hemisphere]
Water vapor imagery (from CIRA) [GOES West || GOES East]
2. QG Approximation, Vorticity Thinking, and PV Thinking:
Vorticity inversion (positive): vorticity, streamfunction, winds, double amplitude
Vorticity inversion (negative): negative vortex
Vortex pair: vorticity, streamfunction inversion, positive vortex inversion, negative vortex inversion
Using vorticity inversion to compute vertical shear (Davis et al. 2008) PDF
Using vorticity inversion for attribution in real case (Galarneau et al. 2015) PDF
PV climatology (Fig. 1.137 in Bluestein 1992)
DT climatology for NH (Jun-Nov) and SH (Dec-May) hurricane seasons (Fig. 3 in McTaggart-Cowan et al. 2015)
Structure of PV anomalies (Hoskins et al. 1985 full paper; Figs. 8, 9, 15, 16)
Examples of scale effect (Thorncroft and Hoskins 1990 full paper; Figs. 4, 5)
Real-time diagnosis of GFS forecasts webpage
PV inversion: PV distribution, X-Y inversion, X-Z inversion, mutual interaction, full paper (Hakim et al. 1996)
Application to an idealized jet streak (Fig. 6.12 Holton and Hakim 2013)
3. QG Vertical Motion:
QG diagnostics webpage
Q-vector schematic (Fig 6.14 Holton and Hakim 2013), full paper Sanders and Hoskins (1990)
4. Midlatitude cyclogenesis:
Cyclone structure and airstreams
Rapid cyclogenesis:
Classic: Genesis Locations, Rapid Deepening Locations, Deepening Rates, Cyclone Bomb Diagnosis, IOP4 and Super-derecho, IOP4 resolution test
Modern: Wernli and Schwierz (2006) (See Figs. 4-7)
Structure of developing cyclone (Fig. 6.8 Holton and Hakim 2013)
Vertical structure of developing wave (Fig. 6.7 Holton and Hakim 2013)
Height tendency in developing wave (Figs. 6.7 and 6.10 in Holton 1992)
Vertical motion in developing wave (Fig. 6.18 Holton and Hakim 2013)
Explosive cyclone of March 2014:
1000 hPa height: 18Z/24,
Height tendency equation: 18Z/24,
Traditional omega equation: 18Z/24,
Q-vector omega equation: 18Z/24,
Baroclinic instability: Baroclinic wave growth LC-1 and LC-2: Background state, Intensity of Cyclones, LC-1 Life Cycle (tropopause), LC-1 Life Cycle (surface), LC-2 Life Cycle (tropopause), LC-2 Life Cycle (surface), Conceptual Model, Thorncroft et al. (1993) full paper
Real-time diagnosis of GFS forecasts webpage
Barotropic and baroclinic instability: African easterly jet 600 hPa wind, 925 hPa temperature, precipitable water, vertical structure, wave development, AEW structure, AEW vertical structure 1 2, Reed et al. (1977) full paper
Barotropic instability: Frontal instability 1, 2, Joly and Thorpe (1990) full paper
Barotropic instability: Stratospheric intrusion
Barotropic instability: ITCZ Breakdown, GOES IR images of real case 1 2, Ferreira and Schubert (1997) full paper
Conceptual model for cyclogenesis (Fig. 7.1 Holton and Hakim 2013)
5. Waves and Instabilities:
Structure of developing cyclone (Fig. 6.8 Holton and Hakim 2013)
Vertical structure of developing wave (Fig. 6.7 Holton and Hakim 2013)
Vertical motion in developing wave (Fig. 6.18 Holton and Hakim 2013)
Eady neutral solution: Positive, Negative
Eady decaying solution: Time 0
Eady growing solution: Time 0, Time 1, Time 2, Potential temperature,
Properties of most unstable Eady wave (Fig. 7.10 Holton and Hakim 2013)
Eady model dispersion relationship: Eady phase speed, Eady growth rate
Farrell (1984): Initial structure is critical for initial growth.
(i) Background state
(ii) Intensity of Cyclones
(iii) LC-1 Life Cycle (tropopause), LC-1 Life Cycle (surface), LC-2 Life Cycle (tropopause), LC-2 Life Cycle (surface)
6. Fronts and Frontogenesis:
QG vs SG cross frontal circulations (Bluestein 1993)