ATMO/OPTI 656B Home Page Spring 2009

Last updated: April 30, 2009 12:30 MST


ATMO/OPTI 656b   Atmospheric Radiation and Remote Sensing


Note:  ATMO/OPTI 656a is NOT a prerequisite for this semester


Desired background: 

ATMO 567 Inverse Problems in Geophysics

Some programming knowledge (Matlab in particular),


Location:        PAS488, T Th 1:00-2:15


Professor:  E. Robert Kursinski, Office PAS 580, office phone: 621-2139, Cell: 260-8404 e-mail:


Course Syllabus



1.              Attend and take notes for Jack Kaye and Jeff Anderson Atmo seminars Friday 1/16/09.  See Atmo seminar series web page for places and times.  Hand in (typed) notes at TuesdayÕs class.

2.              Attend and take notes for Dave GochisÕ (NCAR) HWR lecture Wednesday 1/21/09 at 4 PM in Harshbarger Rm 206.

 ÒThe North American Monsoon Experiment:  Progress and challenges in improving predictions of warm season rainfallÓ

3.              Attend and take notes for the ATMO seminar Thursday 3:30 by Mark Zreda (HWR) on remotely sensing soil via moisture cosmic-ray neutrons.

4.              Fill out Instrument summary table for a particular mission

5.              Rotational spectrum of 13CO




Overview        pdf       word

Background     pdf       word

Orbits              pdf       word

E&M basics    pdf       word

Planck & Einstein coeffs         pdf       word

Vertical atmospheric structure review pdf       word

Resonant interactions with atmospheres          pdf       word

Line shapes     pdf       word

Optical depth & Extinction Coefficient            pdf       word

Temperature emission weighting functions     pdf       word

Simple Radiative Transfer in terms of tau       pdf       word

Limb viewing weighting functions      pdf       word

Simple inversion theory to profile temperature            pdf       word

Bayesian theory           pdf       word

Nonlinear solutions     pdf       word

Variational demonstration       pdf       word

GPS PW                     pdf       word

GPS Occultation         pdf       ppt                   SuperrefractionExample

ATOMMS Occultation           pdf       ppt

Mie Scattering notes    pdf       word

Maetzler Mie Notes     1          2

Precipitation RADAR             pdf       word

Wind remote sensing               pdf       word


Additional Material

Jack KayeÕs talk          ppt

Observing System Development Framework ppt

Jeff Anderson talk       ppt

Dave Gochis talk         ppt

Marek ZredaÕs talk      pdf

CHAMP orbit decay   pdf       occultation coverage evolution for April         pdf

Satellite collision 1 2 3 npr

Crisis? What crisis?     pdf       Fed res target rate chart           gif

The necessity of Stupidity in science               pdf

The reality of being a university scientist        weblink

OCO crashes Tuesday 02/24/09         weblink

Methane on Mars        pdf

MEPAG          weblink

mm and sub-mm spectra



Relevant (as opposed to irrelevant) papers

Santer et al. 2005 warming in the free troposphere

Mears and Wentz 2005 MSU derived free tropospheric warming trends

Randall and Herman 2007 Problems with MSU diurnal correction

Satellite Orbits & Missions Ch. 6


Satelite Instrument Summary Tables

GOES (D. Kofron)                 pdf

POES (S. Olson)                    pdf

DMSP (A. Penny)                  pdf

AQUA (A. Arnold)                pdf

TERRA (M. Stovern)             pdf

AURA (B. Cassell)                 pdf

Active particulates (K. Wood) pdf

