ATMO 451/551a Home Page Fall 2008

last updated 12/12/2008  03:15 MST


Interesting articles


Record rainfall in Mexico for June, July and August 2008 see items marked in yellow to the left;  discussion


9/15/08 NY Times article on one climate record in NY.



ATMO 451/551a   Introduction to Physical Meteorology


Location:        PAS488, MWF 11:00-11:50


Professor:  E. Robert Kursinski, Office PAS 580, office phone: 621-2139 e-mail:


Purpose and Scope of class:

This class introduces students to the physics and chemistry needed to understand Earth and planetary atmospheres.  It provides an introduction to thermodynamics, kinetics theory, chemistry, aerosols, clouds, precipitation and radiative transfer.



Homework will generally be assigned every week.



The grade will be divided up between homework, a midterm and a final exam as follows:  60% Homework, 20% midterm and 20% Final Exam. 


Required Textbook

Atmospheric Science, An Introductory Survey, John M. Wallace and Peter V. Hobbs, 2nd Ed., 2006, Academic Press. 


Supplemental References



Homework                 Solution

2:         pdf                   pdf

3:         pdf                   pdf       xls

4:         pdf                   pdf

5:         pdf                   pdf

6:         pdf                   pdf

7:         pdf                   pdf



Midterm          pdf       word


Course Outline/Material covered in lectures:  pdf word



Aug 25            pdf       Word   A survey of rationale for studying Atmospheric Science

Aug 27            pdf       Word   Units (first version)

                        Pdf      Word   Brief intro to Composition, temperature, gas law, homosphere, pressure scale height

                        Pdf      Word   Temperatures of planets (under construction)

                        Pdf      Word   Comparison of planets (under construction)

Sept 3              pdf       Word   Thermodynamics

Sept 5              pdf       ppt       Simple explanation for Global Warming

Sept 8              pdf       Word   Impulse and Work

                        Pdf      Word   Kinetic theory explanation for gas pressure: Temperature a kinetic energy

Sept 12            pdf       word    specific heats

Sept 15            pdf       word    1st law of thermodynamics & specific heat at constant pressure

Sept 17            pdf       word    latent heats

Sept 22            pdf       word    dry adiabats

Sept 29            pdf       word    gravity

Oct 3               pdf       word    thermal expansion

Oct 6               pdf       word    water vapor variables

Oct 13             pdf       word    Entropy

Oct 13             pdf       word    Clausius Clapeyron equation

Oct 15             pdf       word    moist adiabat

Oct 17             pdf       word    flow over a mountain

Oct 29             pdf       word    Equivalent potential temperature

Oct 31             pdf       word    Diffusion

Nov 5              pdf       word    Eddy Diffusive fluxes of sensible and latent heat

Nov 10            pdf       word    cloud and rain fall speeds

Nov 10            pdf       word    cloud droplet activation

Nov 12            pdf       word    cloud growth by diffusion

Nov 21            pdf       word    Warm rain initiation

Nov 26            pdf       word    Maxwellian distribution of particle velocities

Dec 1               pdf       word    Carnot Cycle and heat engine theory

Dec 5               pdf       word    Using the heat engine to understand heat transfer by baroclinic eddies  pdf